The Order

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Some years later
I awake to Harry shaking me telling me to get up. "Raven.." Harry urges me to get my wand and stand up. I give him a confused look and proceed to get out of bed. "What is it Harry?" I grumble and grab my wand from the bedside stable. I realise what's going on when I hear footsteps padding up the stairs. I push my younger brother behind me and hold my wand up.
Suddenly the door swings open and I lower my wand and let out a sigh. There standing was Tonks, Mad Eye, Kingsley and some other members of the ministry
"Professor Moody."
"What are you doing here?" Harry and I ask at the same time.
"Rescuing you, of course" he grumbles.

MadEye gave us some time to get changed and make out way downstairs.

"Where are we going the letter said we were expelled from Hogwarts?" Harry asked, trying to keep up with Moody.

"You haven't been, not yet. Kingsley you take point" Moody orders and steps infront of the house. "Dumbledore has requested a hearing" he says looking around suspiciously.

"We'll explain everything when we get back to HQ" Tonks butts in hurriedly. I give Harry a confused look and he shrugs. I wonder what "HQ" is.

"Shush! Not here Nymphadora" Professor MadEye says through gritted teeth. I snort slightly at the name and receive a nudge from Harry.

"Don't. Call me. Nymphadora" Tonks seethed and her hair began to turn scarlet red. I raised my eyebrows and smirked as did Harry who was standing next to me holding in laughter. Madeye thumps his staff twice onto the ground and Mine and Harry's brooms appear out of nowhere and fly into our hands.

"Stay in formation everyone and don't break ranks if one of us is killed" Madeye resumes to speak in his i'm-the-boss-here like fashion. Then with a thrust of my feet I lift off the ground and vertically soar into the air, Harry just behind me. I can't help but bring myself to look at the beautiful river below and the glow of the city lights. I look back at Harry who is skimming his hands across the river below, he looks up and grins at me happily and I grin back.

"Over there" Tonks shouts and we all begin to dive down and land safely. A green rubbish collection lorry passes by and I crinkle my nose in disgust at the smell.

"Come on" Harry takes my hand and pulls me through a gate. Madeye trudges over into the middle of the road and again, thumps his staff twice. Harry gives me a confused look but I just look back at him because I literally have no Idea what's going on either. Suddenly a rumbling erupts from the houses and they begin to shift apart and reveal another terraced house. I stare in awe as the muggles next-door have no idea whats going on. We all walk slowly towards the door. Madeye unlocks and opens it and I am all of a sudden hit with the pungent smell of mould. Harry and I stand there in the narrow hallway until everyone nudges past us. I notice Tonks give Harry a wink and roll my eyes.

I take Harry's hand and lead him down the slim hallway, I hear bickering going on between many familiar voices. Me and Harry smile as we see our Godfathers. Sirius And Remus

Mrs Weasley steps in the door way and closes the door, I wonder what could be going on in there.
"Harry!" her warm and comforting smile spreads across her face.

"Mrs Weasley!" Harry exclaims

"Heavens you're alright" she embraces Harry with a warm hug. But I can't help but notice that he has an extremely awkward look on his face.

"Ahem" I clear my voice and step out from beside Harry, as if I was concealed. Well I obviously wasn't because I'm a good foot taller than him but Mrs Weasley has never liked me as much as Harry, I suppose it's because i'm in Slytherin.

"Ah Raven! It's good to see you" she nods "Bit peaky? Well I'm afraid dinner won't be ready until after the meeting- "Well about that" Harry cuts in- "Ah, no time to explain. Straight upstairs, first door on the left" she points upstairs and smiles. I nod gratefully and take Harry's hand leading him up the creaky stairs. As we walk up I hear slight murmuring.

Crossed Love (Draco Malfoy Romance) BOOK ONEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora