Why is the final Author's Note so satisfying, yet emotional? Is it just me?

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First of all this is a ridiculously long title, sorry, but it's how I feel and it needs to be said XD
Second of all I just had to add this song, because it's exactly 9pm as in writing this and it's a gift from me to you, I mean who doesn't love a sweet upbeat song and 'Panic!At The Disco' in general? The song is called Nine In The Afternoon and is by Panic!At The Disco (P!ATD)

This story first began on the 8th of July and ended on the 15th of September, 2016.
A HUGE thank you to all those who stayed loyal to this story, cause around halfway there was this stage where the story didn't develop for about almost a month, so thank you so much for your patients. 
A even BIGGER thank you to Littlebluelight , because they were literally here for the story ever since the first chapters were posted and always left a comment that would always lighten the day for me and encourage me to write as frequently as possible. THANK YOU! YOUR AWESOME!
And thank you so much to any future readers, knowing that someone might read this once this whole story is completed and hopefully enjoyed the story just makes me fill with pride and so much happiness, because I was able to make someone else happy and enjoying the ancient art of story telling and fandom fanfic stuff. <--- that's totally a thing

I will not most likely make a sequel to this story or a different story based around The American Dragon, however I am currently working on the sequel to my hetalia fanfic, but other than that I don't have any current ideas for books yet. I'm trying to be as active on this as possible, but I'm also working on a major cosplay project right now based on a Steampunk!Hetalia cosplay as Fem!Prussia for my little sister, so once that is done I would most likely post pictures of it once it's done (it's still in the design, measurement and saving money progress). Also the idea of starting a channel on a certain site is also in the air *cough* YouTube *cough* , but that idea is still in the critical 'only thoughts section' right now.

Now that I'm done talking about random stuff, I'm going to sign off on this book for the last time. *tears, sniffle* ;,(

Thank you soo much for reading! Ever signal view, comment, vote, are just the most precious things to me, because I know even more precious and amazing people spent a few seconds of their life to leave them. I don't think I can every stop thanking you, so... THANK YOU!

(Signing off, over and out!)

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