Chapter 6 - Something on your mind?

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*tap, tap*
*tap, tap*
*tap, tap*

Jake: wakes up, rubbing his tired eyes, grumbling
Mmmm! What the? Who's the wise guy chucking stones at the roof?

He lifts his head off the pillow, slowly removing his blanket, dropping down on leg out of the bed which was soon followed by the other. He attempted to find his feet, but fatigue forced him to fall on the ground, releasing a slow sigh.

Jake: mumbling to himself
Come on Jake, gotta get up. Someone might need the Am-Dragon.

He reaches for his bedside table and successfully pulls his body off the ground finding his feet. He walked over to his window and opened it poking his head outside looking for who was throwing the stones.

*tap, tap*
*tap, tap*

He turned his head up towards the roof and looked up. There was a figure up there, with what appears to be a pile of stones next to them. He hulled himself out the window, but then flew up in mid dragon, attempting not to make himself noticed by the mysterious figure. Once he was safely up on the roof, he ditched the wings and lied against the roof identifying the figure. He then smirked and casually walked over to the figure.

Something on your mind?

Eden: starring off into silent night sky
Can't sleep. (Sighs) I guess I've had enough sleep to miss one night.

Jake: smiling and sitting next to Eden
Haha.... Yeah, I've missed some sleep from the past few days because of what hap--

Eden: looking at Jake
Because of me. I'm sorry. I'll stop throwing stones so you can get some sleep.

Jake: looking at Eden
Chill. I can get more sleep in the morning. It will be Sunday, so I can sleep in.
How did you get up here anyway?

Eden: pointing to the direction she came from
Haley's window has a surprisingly good angle. so I was able to to climb up here without risking any slips. I guess you used your dragon powers, hmm?

Jake: blushing
Yeah... Kinda.

Eden: turning her body towards Jake
Why are you so embarrassed about a being descendent from dragons? (Punching him in the arm) Mate, you have the power to go anywhere and return when ever you want!

Jake: turning his body towards Eden
You seem to be a little rebellious I see. (Smirk)

Eden: looking down
Well, I... I rather think for myself; you know.


She looks up at Jake with her undivided attention, her eyes and ears where only set on what he was about to say.

Jake: nervously rubbing the back of his neck
Eden.... I invited some friends over tomorrow to help me find your family, because you know about the magic world and my family, we don't want to get the police involved.

She nodded her head and looked back up into the sky, her eyes were tearing up.

Eden: grinding her teeth, holding back her tears
Thank you!

The two went silent, turning back around, hanging their feet over the roof's edge. Eden sighed and went to tossing stones off the roof.

Jake: breaking the awkward silence
I see Haley seems to have taken a liking to you.

Eden: giggling
Yeah! She reminds me of my little brother, Baz. (Smirks) He loves helping me annoy our older brother Sam. (Looks at Jake) I always wanted a sister, just like Haley does. (Sighs)

Jake: confused
Baz? That's a strange name, does it stand for anything?

Eden: smiling
Yeah! It stands for Sebastian, it's the Auss--, FLORIDEN WAY! The short way people say it, in Florida. (She hid her face)

Jake: staring at Eden, then fake laughing
HAHA! That's interesting, I guess it is true, you do learn new things everyday. Well then, I'm gonna go get some sleep. Goodnight Eden!

He stood up and transformed into his dragon form, he was about to fly back down when;

Eden: standing up

He looked back to Eden.

Eden: blushing
Do you think you can help me get back through Haley's window?

Jake looked at Eden and smirked.

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