Chapter 8 - A little diner 'fun'

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Everyone was sitting down at the diner table, Eden was finally conscious before everyone returned back from what they had to do that day. Spud and Trixie left before Eden awoke, so she never heard about what they discussed.

Susan: looking at Eden and smiling
Soo, did you guys find any missing persons files that matched you Eden?

Eden: was put on the spot
Well... I met Spud and Trixie today and ahh, eh..

Jake: completing her sentence
We couldn't find anything on Eden yet, Spud is working on it. (He winked at Eden)

Eden sighed at a sign of relief and continued to eat her meal.

Haley: looking at Eden
Hey Eden guess what? We went to Jake's school today and we signed you up.

Jonathan: looking at Jake
Kiddo, can you and your buds help Eden out on her first day?

Sure. Is that good with you Eden?

Eden: nodded
Sounds great. I'm fine with that.

Everyone at the table went quite, awkwardly eating their meal.

Eden: looking at the meal
This is fantastic, Mrs. Long. Its always nice seeing people cooking dishes from their cultural heritage.

Susan: flattered
You can call me Susan dear. Thank you, my father, Jake and Haley's grandfather always says that we need to embrace our Chinese family heritage. Although, 'some' tend to forget their family roots (she looked over at Jake)

Yeah kiddo. It's important to never forget your family tree's roots.

Eden: sighing
That's a shame Jake. I wish my parents celebrated our family's heritage.

Jake: looking at Eden
Oh. Where did they originate from?

Everyone at the table leaned in, curious of what Eden was gonna say.

Eden: looking down
Both my parents where born somewhere in Scandinavia, I don't know which countries or if they where from the same country. They then moved to Florida 3 months before I was born. They just don't like talking about their life over there for some reason.

Jake: holding back a smirk
You said you had a older and younger brother?

Everyone at the table was fascinated with this, while everything she said checked off boxes in Jake's mind.

Eden: looking at Jake and then everyone else
My oldest brother is 17, he was born in Texas and his name is Samuel. My youngest brother is named Sebastian, he's 9, also born in Florida.

That's amazing, so you have no idea 'exactly' of your heritage.

Eden: smiling
One day I would love to go to all the Scandinavian countries and try to figure it out, sense my parents won't say a thing and my brothers are just as blind on the topic.

Jake took close notice of this statement, this could be the reason she is here in America.

Eden's face suddenly got pale, her hands felt weak, so she dropped her fork and rested them on the table hoping no one will notice her abnormal behaviour. She reached for her glass of water and brought it close to her mouth, only taking a small sip. She swiftly abandoned the glass on the table and was having a coughing fit at the table spitting up the water she almost swallowed. She fell to the floor before anyone could react; Jake grabbed her shoulder and began to pat her back hoping to stop the fit. Everyone rushed to the floor, the fit stopped and Jake pulled her onto her back will her body rested on his thighs as he kneed, almost holding Eden bridal style keeping her off the cold floor; she was unconscious yet again. Susan placed her hand over Eden's forehead, she was shocked at the amount of heat it was producing. She instructed Jake to take her up to her bed. Haley followed Jake as they left the dinning room with the unconscious Eden being clutched in his arms.

Susan: concerned
I need to call my dad.

Jonathan: confused
We need to call a ambulance.

Susan: looking Jonathan in they eyes
Hun, the transformation might have just began. Her genetic code could be deconstructing and reconstructing it self as we speak.

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