Chapter 5 - Time to meet the family

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Haley: squealing at frequencies only dogs can hear while jumping on her bed

Jonathan: picking Haley off her bed
Well I know your excited pumpkin, but she is only staying here until we find her family.

Susan: surprised
That's a new tone your singing their Hun, weren't you just squealing in the hallway about this a moment ago?

Jonathan: stumbling up on his words
Well y-yes I was... But... Um, well you... I ahhhh... Here Hun, let me finish making up the bed for our visiter.

*Ding Dong*

The three of them lifted their head up and eyed at the only exit out, Haley's bedroom door. They all ran to the door, but bunched up jamming themselves in the doorframe. Haley was just able to squeeze her small body from in between the two excited adults she calls her parents. She ran through the hallway zig zagging back and forth and hurled herself down the staircase, allowing her little wings to bring her back down to the ground safely. Her final obstacle was to open the the doorknob to allow her eyes to be the first to be laid upon the mystery girl. Haley casually walked over to the door releasing some stray giggle and squeal, she held her breath as she placed her hand on the knob and turned it with a pull towards her.

Lao Shi: smiling
Hello young one, we're is your moth-

Haley released the most terrifying squeal known to man, her face began to become a maroon colour; however that did not stop her from jumping onto Eden, who was not paying attention. Haley was wrapped around Eden like a clinging leach, Jake tried to remove her from Eden, but now it has become obvious that Haley may be more of an Anaconda than a dragon by the way see was squeezing the air out of Eden's lungs.

Eden: struggling to breath, but patting Haley's head
H-LL-O... I'M... E-DEN. GET... OFF...PL-E-SE!

Haley: giggles and releases
Sorry Eden, I'm just super happy to meet you. Let's all go inside, I think mum and dad have finally figured out how to use the doorway properly.

The four of them make their way into the building and settled themselves in the living room couch. A thud turns everyone to look over at the the staircase. Jonathan had landed on his face as he attempted to swiftly make his way down the staircase, Susan offered to help him up but he refused the assistance.

Jonathan: proudly explaining
Hehe, I don't need help. I'm just inspecting the floors, gotta keep my home up to date and safe.

Susan: walking over to the living room
Hello! I'm Susan, Jake and Haley's mother. That's my husband Jonathan over their (pointing over to the staircase).

Eden: standing and shaking Susan's hand
It's a pleasure to meet you and your sweet family, I am more than gracious about what you all have done for me. Oh, yeah I'm Eden.

Haley yanks Eden's hand and drags her up the staircase to show her were she will be staying until her family is located. This now provides everyone with the chance to talk and become updated on Eden a little more without being left out in the dark . Jonathan finally found his feet and joins everyone in with the gossip.

Jonathan: curious
How much does she know about the M.A.G.I.C world?

Dad, you don't need to spell it she knows a lot, she said she was kidnapped by a gang of goblins, elves and brownies.

Lao Shi: looking at Jake and scoffing
Humph, that makes no sense, what did they trap and torture her for?

I don't know, she seemed like she was hiding a lot of info from me.

Does she know about our family thing?

Jake: blushing and looking down
Well, hehe (nerves laugh), I felt like I could trust her. She also had a theory that gramps and I were magical. So I... Ahh

Kiddo, don't tell me you?

Jake: blushing and rubbing the back of his neck
Yeahhh, I kinda went, totally dragon.

Lao Shi: sighing
I guess it's best she does know about the existence of dragons, I mean if that theory is true; she will be one of us.

Jonathan: excited
Susan, does that mean if that theory is true, will I get the chance to be a dragon?

Lao Shi:
Jonathan that is not important right now, we have a bigger issue right now, you man child.

Everyone was stunned at what he just said, no one expected that coming from Lao Shi in such a forward way.

We need to start searching for her fam-
Wait I will call Spud over, I bet he could find her full name and family or at least a missing person description that would match her.

With that Jake left the living room and everyone went upstairs to see how Eden and Haley where getting along, also hoping to scope up a little extra details about Eden and her mysterious story.

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