Chapter 15 - Contact with Eden

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Jake and Fred flew over a large forest while trailing behind a Lindworm dragon that had large winds and the majority of the beast's scales were gold with a few light green accents. The three landed in a clearing in the centre of the forest and took a quick glance around the area before transforming backing into their human form.

Jake: squinting his eyes and looking around
Asta said we should meet her here, are you sure this is the forest she was talking about?

Leaf: smirking while brushing his nails on the coat
This isn't the first time the Danish Dragon has been in Norwegian territory!

Fred: gagging

A snapping branch cause the trio to turn around with a startled vibe radiating of themselves; there stood a tall and slender woman in her early twenties holding her hands on her hips and frowning at Leaf. She had long pale blonde hair that had a small streak of dyed black hair flowing down the left side of her head and intimidating dark blue eyes.

Asta: walking over while picking up a stick
Hello American and Australian Dragon, I am Asta. The Norwegian Dragon, AKA the one that keeps the Danish Dragon out of everyone else's hair.

Leaf: smirking while walking up to Asta
Well you and Lumi do a nice job of entert--

Asta: holding the stick up to Leaf's throat
Don't come any closer! And don't you dear say that about the pure heart Lumi has!

Jake: confusedly whispering into Fred's ear
Who is Lumi?

Fred: slapping Jake in the face
Mate does it look like I know!?!

Asta and Leaf looked over as Jake rubbed his check, Asta dropped her defensive guard and discarded the stick before clearing her throat.

Asta: straitening up her posture
Lumi is the Finnish Dragon, me and her are the only female Nordic Dragons so we are like sisters.

Leaf: smirking
Yep you both are like sisters... Both beautiful... But Lumi is the non hostile one!

Asta: scoffing
What ever, just leave her alone... (Looking at the two boys) we should get going, Eden is at my house and I have a feeling she doesn't see me as the most trustworthy yet.

The four transformed into dragon form and followed the white wyvern out off the forest, flying high in the clouds over the city to avoid being noticed.


The four walked up a driveway towards a brick house, Asta seemed to have had a growing fearful expression across her face as she got closer towards her house. Faint yelling was heard and then suddenly the sound of Eden's voice screaming made the four bolt towards the door and trip over each other as they fought to all enter at the same time. Eden and a tall man with light brown hair and soft grey eyes both looked at the four on the ground. The two were wearing headsets, a camera pointed at their faces and remote controls in their hands for the Xbox.

Asta: pushing herself up and walking over to the two
Christa? Why are you in my house?

Christa: pausing the game
I called to see if you would shoot a video with me, but you weren't here so Eden picked it up and agreed.

Fred: standing up and brushing himself off
Christa? As in the legendary aqua Swedish Dragon?

Christa: shaking the remote
And soon to be best video gamer on YouTube!

Jake: lying on his stomach with a tilted head
But isn't pewdiepie the most famous you-tuber and isn't he Swedish?

Christa: messing up his light brown hair
That's why I have a better chance of getting big! People are addicted to our svenska (Swedish) blood!

Jake: giggling
Then what is your channels name? ThatDecentlyAttractiveLookingSwedishDragonGamer...

Christa: laughing
No! It's, DaSwedWithDaMoves1235

Leaf: helping Jake up
Told you I could have helped you out with the name!

Christa: smirking while leaning his arm over the couch
You really think, TheDaneThatWasDumpedInDenmark2ManyTimes is a good YouTube channel name?

Leaf: gesturing with his shoulders
It seemed like a good name at the time, granted I haven't loaded anything on it y--

Eden: budding in
Christa, are we gonna finish shooting the vid or not. (Looking towards the television) Oh, and hello Jake...

Jake: walking towards Eden
I'm sorry, but you need to leave with us Eden.

Eden: locking her eyes on her knees
So I can return back to my adopted family in Australia and never learn who I really am? Tsk, yeah right, I belong here, not on the other side of the world.

Jake: nudging Fred in the side
Talk with her in Aussie...

Fred: growling under his breath
We speaking English too you know... (Sighing) Hey Eden, I'm Fred the --

Eden: putting down the controller
The Aussie Dragon, eh?

Fred: frowning
Yeah, listen mate --

Eden: aggressively chiming in
We ain't mates, so you better back off... Frederick!

Asta: scolding Eden
You do not talk to people like that! He is only trying to be friendly and he--

Eden: bored
I'm only here for business, not to make friends with my no longer fellow Aussies.

Leaf: confused
What do you mean by that?

Christa: answering for Eden
I agreed to let Eden live in Sweden with me until she can trace down her family... Oh yeah, she now has the title of the 'Nordic Dragon'.

Leaf and Asta: in unison
That's what the 5 of us are called in our group!

Asta looked over at Leaf with disgust as she just realised that they both said that in unison, she slapped him over the head and yelled something in Norwegian making Christa fall over from sudden laughter. Fred and Jake took this as their chance to grab Eden while she was distracted with what was happening, so they both grabbed her by an arm and lifted her up. She screamed and kicked, making the two drop her and she bolted over towards the front door. As soon as she laid her hand on the doorknob the door swung open and hit Eden on the head knocking her out cold along the carpeted floor. A young lady with wavy platinum blonde hair neatly cut just under her jawbone and big sweet blue eyes smiled as she saw everyone, except for Eden who she hit behind the door.

Lumi: innocently smiling
Moi! (Hi) The door was open so I decided to enter! (Holding up a woven basket) I have been baking this morning, anyone want some?

Everyone blankly stared at the oblivious Finnish woman, but were thankful that she managed to have stopped Eden from making another escape.


Here is some help with the names:

Leaf = Lay-f
Asta = As-ta
Lumi = loo-mee  (means snow in Finnish)
Christa = Chris-tah

These are most, but one more will be added in the next chapter most like.

I have also added in dragon species, Leaf is somewhat of a Lindworm, Asta is a wyvern and I have said that Christa is some sort of water dragon.

Thank you for reading my precious readers and have a fantastic day or night or sometime it is for you!

(That awkward moment I realised that I was listening to the song 'Girl from Sweden' on an endless loop while writing this)   ............... And cue face palm in 3... 2... 1... SMASH!

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