Chapter 13 - Shipping talk

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Fred: pushing on Jake's shoulder and whispering
Psst! Mate! Jake! Jake! Wake up!

Jake: stirring around on his bed groaning
Go to.. Bed Nerk!

Fred: continued to push Jake
Jake! Eden has been spotted around Copenhagen, Denmark!

Jake: lying in his bed with closed eyes, pulling Fred's hands off his shoulder
Eh?... Eden? What... Not now Nerk...
(Pointing to his door) The bathroom is left of the staircase.... (Mumbling to himself) Copenhagen, weird... Name for the bathroom....

Fred frowned at Jake's sleeping form; so he decided to jump onto his bed and lightly stomp on him to coach him out of his slumber.

Fred: lightly stomping on Jake's bed
Seriously mate, we need to leave for Denmark now! Eden has been spotted!

Jake: pulling his blanket over his drowsy face

Fred: becoming frustrated
The sheila your sister ships ya with!

Jake jolted and suddenly sat up; kicking Fred off the bed and sending him flying across the room where he hit the wall against his back.

Fred: screaming in pain and tearing up

Jake: startled and confused
Haley does what now! (Looking over at Fred) What you doing over there?

Fred: standing up and rubbing his back
Strewth Jake! Did I ask to go flying across the room?

Jake: confused
Sorry bro, what's going on? Is it true?

Fred: standing up normally
Yeah it's true, she --

Jake: jumping out of his bed freaking out

Fred: confused and twitching his eye
What? No! They found Eden!

Jake: calming down and pulling open his window
Oh. Then let's go! Throw the window!

Fred: pulling the window down and walking over towards Jake's bedroom door
Meet ya down stairs in 5; you might wanna get dressed first mate.

As Fred closed the bedroom door, Jake looked down and realised that he was still dressed in his pajamas (pyjamas).

Jake: standing in his dark room sighing
Oh man!


Two dragons flew side by side into the dark cold night, far from the city and over a giant dark ocean.

Jake: concentrating on flying through a cloud
Nerk do you know any Danish? Sense it would help us in Denmark.

Fred: sarcastic
Yeah I do! Cause I knew that one day I was gonna be lookin for a runaway with genetically altered dragon abilities! (Scoffing) Mate I was brought up in the Outback! I spend my time bush wacking, chasing wildlife with ma dogs and being a destructive little ankle biter! I never studied Nordic languages!

Jake was silent and continued to concentrate on the direction the pair was traveling. His mind began to stray and he thought of how his life suddenly changed once he discovered Eden; he saved a life, but she brought nothing but trouble. A small smile appeared upon his dragon face that he didn't realise was there; Nerk glanced over at him with sorry eyes, but then curiosity filled them.

Nerk: sighing
Sorry mate. I-I need more sleep I guess, I can be a little irritable apparently when I'm a little drowsy.

Jake: smiling
No sweat bro.

Nerk: smirking
Ok seriously, I gotta know. What's the story about that smile?

Jake was confused, he didn't understand what Fred was talking about; so he glanced down at his reflection on the oceans surface.

Jake: mumbling
A smile?

Fred: clearing his throat
Thinkin of Eden? (Grinning) ...I ship it!

Jake: trying not to blush
What!?! N-no!

Fred: smirking

Jake: acting defensive
Quite it! Before I ship my fist with your face!

Fred: Snickering and joking around
Hmm, tempting... But all of you belongs with Eden.

Jake scoffed and focused back on where he was flying.

Fred: thinking out loud
We need to think of a ship name. Jaen? Edke? Oh, what about Jaken? Yeah that sounds like something a fangirl would totally be all over! (Grinning) What's shakin' Jaken?

Jake: laughing it off
You sound like fandom, shipping trash!

Fred: smiling
Mate, the internet is full of it!

Jake: looking into the ocean
Listen, I don't have a thing for Eden. She is just someone I found and helped, nothing more. Besides, there is this one girl that I have history with; ya know?

Fred: looking concerned
The sheila who was in the Hunts Clan?

Jake: smiling
Yeah... Rose.

Fred: smirking
You two just have history? You don't have math or science together?

Jake: laughing
Haha! Clever one!

Fred: thinking
I just realised something Jake.

Jake looked over at him and listened.

Fred: giggling
We're talking like girls!

The two laughed their heads off and struggled to fly strait while they continued to talk the whole night; flying from country to country.


Pajamas (pyjamas) has two different ways to be spelt. That shocked me way more than it should of  I think! XD 
Oh well, we're always learning something new

Thanks for reading



American Dragon: The discovery of Edenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें