Chapter 9 - Eden's first school day

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Susan: making toast
I was talking to your grandfather last night, he said Eden's sudden illness was most likely caused by her genetic code altering, however he said it was theorised that after the major illness, which she just went through. A few days to a week or two she may gain the ability to 'transform' into a dragon just like you and Haley.

Does that mean she is gonna miss out on school today?

Susan: handing toast to Jake
She had an out of control fever and fell unconscious Jake. I highly doubt that she is even awake yet. However, if she was awake and feeling well, I guess she would be able, as she hasn't hit the part of the transformation where her genetic coding would be 'unstable'.

Jake: biting down on the toast
I see.

Susan: sighing
I just don't know how we are going to tell her that her genetic coding is possibly changing. Maybe it wasn't even that, maybe she is just ill with a col--

Wo! I feel good, I knew that I would, now
I feel good, I knew that I would, now
So good, so good, I got you
Wo! I feel nice, like sugar and spice
I feel nice, like sugar and spice
So nice, so nice, I got you

Susan and Jake turned their heads towards the staircase, much to their surprise there was Eden walking down singing her lungs out with a massive smile upon her face. She jumped down from the second last steep and slid across the floor, facing the door while placing her hand up in the air and yelled, 'OW!' She turned around, making eye contact with Jake and Susan, she blushed but brushed it off. She walked up to the kitchen, noticed Jake wearing a school bag and one behind him, so she grabbed it and slid it over her shoulders.

Eden: grabbing a piece of toast
Mornin', wait we need to get to school!

Susan: shocked
Ahh... Take a seat and eat Eden, I will drive you both to school.

Eden: grabbing Jake's hand
Nah, save your fuel, petrol is expensive. We will walk to school now.

But your still eating.

Eden: running out the door while grabbing Jake's and with toast in her mouth
HAHAHAHA! It's just like we are in an anime now! SAY BYE TO HALEY FOR ME SUSAN!!!

Susan: looking around the empty house
Did she mean 'gas'?


Eden bolted through the school gates, twirling in the courtyard with her hands out as she looked into the sky, humming along to the song she sang this whole morning, even on the walk to school. She was being stared at by everyone outside the school, but she was completely unaware.

Spud: walking over to Jake with Trixie
Sooo, is that what Australian kids usually do when they go to school?

Jake: watching Eden
It's like she is living the movie, 'Sound of music'. Last night she was unconscious and now she is acting like she belongs in a cliché high school sing along!

Rose: walking up to the trio and waving
Hey Jake! (Smiling)

Jake: turning around to Rose with a goofy smile
Hi Rose!

Rose: giggling
Guys what's up with that girl over there? Does she need help?

Jake: blushing
That's the girl I told you about, the Australian.


Trixie: grabbing Rose's hand
Yeah girl! Come, let's go save her from further embarrassment.

The two girls began walking over to Eden and they were just about to get to her before Brad reached her first.

Brad: hand on Eden's shoulder with a sly smile on his face
I'm Brad, star quarterback of this school. And who may you be, little miss perky?

The two girls stopped and watched on.

Eden: looking down at Brad's hand
Why is your hand on my shoulder? (She looked up, giving him a death stare)

IBrad: taking his hand off Eden's shoulder
Ohh (smirking), my bad. Feisty, aren't you?

Eden: locking eyes with him and snarled
I think you need to update your book on how to be a total space invasive jerk, cause you have room for improvement.

Trixie and Rose decided that now was a good time to intervene and prevent a possible fight. Brad looked up and smiled, breaking eye contact with Eden; this caused Eden to turn around and see what's going on.

Brad: putting his arm around Rose
What's up beautiful? Hey, do you know this feisty friend of mine?

Rose: uncomfortable
Hi.. Brad. Trixie and I need to show Eden around. Bye Brad.

Eden: walking past roughly shoving into Brad's arm
Bye Felicia.

Brad stood there stunned for a minute and then ran after Eden. He grabbed her by the wrist, before picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder and running towards a lonely area near the end of the school. Rose and Trixie hear her scream and raced after Brad; Jake and Spud where just behind the girls as they too watched the whole event unfold.

Brad: pinning Eden up against a brick wall, adding pressure on her chest so she couldn't move

Eden was desperately gasping for air, Brad was pushing down on her lungs and she began to feel weak again.

Brad: pressing harder

Jake: running up pushing Brad over
LEAVE HER ALONE! Can't you see she could barely breath!

Eden slid down the wall, gasping for air. Rose, Trixie and Spud ran over to her while Jake was keeping Brad away.

Eden: screaming in pain
AHHHHH! M-Ma... Head!

Eden fell forward, landing on her hands and knees, whole body shacking. She was pale and breathless. A bright light illuminated out of her. Everyone was temporally blind, but a scream regenerated they sight. Brad's neck was inbetween the hands of a green dragon, he was dangling above the ground, it slowly applying pressure to his neck. The sound of oxygen escaping from his body brought tears to everyones' eyes.

Jake: yelling at Eden

The dragon looked at him, releasing her victim and tilting her head at Jake before falling to ground, transforming back into her original human form. Both Eden and Brad laid on the cement, unconscious; while everyone else just stood there attempting to process what they had just witnessed.


If your curious, the song that Eden was signing was;
I feel good (I got you)
By James Brown

It totally recommend listening to it, it's one of those songs you would hear in the sound track of a movie or a show but might have never known the song's name.
You can never go wrong with an oldie but a goodie.

BlueTimeFly out!

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