Chapter 4 - So the stranger talks?

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A door swings open allowing Jake to walk through will holding a plastic bag in his left hand, he then makes his way over to the counter of the shop and greeted his grandfather.

Jake: smiling
Morning gramps, what did you say was so important? Is the girl okay?

Lao Shi: gesturing to the next room with a smile
Go have a look.

Jake walks past the counter and slowly enters the next room, his first instinct was to look at the couch which the girl was asleep on, but she was not there. He then walks over to Fu dog who was rather content looking on the couch reading the morning newspaper.

Jake: confused
Where is the girl from last night.

Fu Dog: looking at the plastic bag
Ahh! Good you brought the clothes.

Fu puts down his newspaper and jumped down from the couch, yanking the plastic bag from Jake's hand and walking over to the bathroom. Jake turned his head from side to side looking around the room for the girl; he was more confused than he was last night when they where taking about blood and dragon genetics. Fu tapped on the bathroom door and opened it just enough to slide the plastic bag into the room; the sound of a running shower confused Jake even more.

Okay? Someone tell me what's going on, where is the girl?

Fu Dog:
Miss mysterious woke up around 7 this morning; she was rather calm when she meet a talking dog and just asked for a shower. That's all we got right now; she was limping on the leg a little, Lao Shi and I explained that we helped heal her and that you save her. Of cause we didn't say anything on how we healed the wound, it's too early in the morning for that.

Jake: amazed
Wow! She survived, we saved a life.

Fu Dog:
Calm down, yes we did do a good thing, but now we need to observer her to see if the theory about you know what is true.

The bathroom door suddenly opened, out emerged a decently tall young girl, with shoulder length light strawberry blonde wavey hair with a fringe parted towards the right side of her head blending in with the rest of the hair. Her skin had a healthy glow to it, which suggested she had a good strong amount of time outside to give her this appearance, the thing that made her most outstanding was her pure blue eyes; so blue that it puts both the sky and ocean to shame. She was wearing the clothes Susan had sent Jake to give: a plain with t-shirt, blue denim jacket, a pair of black pants and red converse shoes. The girl noticed everyone looking at her, so she walked over to the couch awkwardly, showing a nervous smile before sitting. Jake walked over to the couch, awkwardly smiled at her and sat down next to her; he turned his body towards her and greeted her.

Jake: nervous
Hey... I'm Jake.

Girl: confident
Oh.. Your the person the dog said that saved me last night. Thank you.

Jake: confused
Your not shocked at the idea of a talking dog?

Nope. Not fazed by it at all. It's pretty cool. I'm guessing that he belongs in the magical world too, heh?

Yeah he does! How did u get injured anyway?

HAHA! Is that really more important than learning my name Jake!

Everyone stared at the girl like she just committed a serious crime.

Girl: giggling
Wow. Didn't mean to be the white elephant in the room. I'm Eden, if that fixes the awkward tension at all.

They all just continued to stare more intensity at the girl, before Lao Shi ran off to make a phone call, this was then followed by Fu Dog talking on the phone mentioning something about a bet.

Well I'm just gonna say this for everyone, it's lovely to properly meet you.

Eden: punching Jake on the arm
Well thanks mate! Okay I will answer your other question now. I'm not from this place, ahh... Where are we?

Jake: confused
Manhattan, New York?

*Whispering under breath* I'm in New York? *back to normal tone* Anyway, I'm actually from... Hmm... Canada-ahh FLORIDA! Yes I'm actually from Florida, America. I'm... American... Just like you.

Jake: untrusting
So, how did you end up in the magical town?

Well one day I was at my home, IN FLORIDA, I came across these little footprints in the ground so I followed them; I guess I ended up being kidnapped or something I think. Anyway, I mainly just remember being in a cage where these creatures poured burning acid on me. That's all I remember.

Jake: worried
What did these creatures look like?

Like goblins, elves, evil little pixie things without wings and with Scottish accents for some reason. Haha, honestly that's the reason I'm not shocked at the talking Shari-Pei. If you were to tell me that you and your grandfather were magical too..., well actually I already have a theory you two are some sort of mythical beings. Am I correct?

Eden sat there patently, waiting for Jake to respond. His mind was twisted, this girl seems to know a lot, but her story is odd, however Jake believed that he could trust her. He made the an important decision right there.
In unison Lao Shi and Fu Dog screamed looking around the corner to the  backroom, "JAKE!"

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