Chapter 18 - Miss Fiery Temper

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Eden sat between Jake and Fred on the couch with an unimpressed look on her face, she was frustrated at the fact that they decided to box her in so she couldn't escape or throw a fit over the fact that no one knows of her parents origin. Christa and Fenrir sat on the coffee table directly opposite from the couch while Lumi sat on the couch's arm rest and Asta stood beside the coffee table, scowling at Leaf who was lying on the floor watching the ceiling fan spin.

Eden: scoffing
So you all know nothing?

Leaf: spinning his wrist to follow the fan
We know many things, I may not know as much as the others... But I do know that you were being hit on by a ten year old mute!

Eden: blushing

Lumi: chiming in with a smile
Fenrir? Do you want to enlighten us on something?

Eden: budding in

Fred: smirking
And your fourteen, mate just give it until your both twenty and I won't be that creepy.

Jake: face palming
Oh man! I'm stuck in a room full of shippers!

Fred: locking eyes with Jake
Don't go around pretending you have never tried pairing two people!

Jake awkwardly looked away rubbing his neck releasing a nervous chuckle and went quiet having a good think about what Fred just said. Eden looked over at Fenrir who seemed to have been having a harder time that her, Christa kept on nudging him in the side and gesturing over towards Eden with small head gestures. Fenrir had pulled up his knees into his chest and buried his face into them, but small pink patches on his cheeks were still seen and he seemed to have been slightly shaking.

Eden: standing up in a powerful stance
THAT'S ENOUGH! I'm only here to learn who I am! And I never plan on returning back to Australia!

Fred: reaching out towards Eden
Eden? Why not? It would be nice to have another Aussie Dragon...

Eden: looking away from Fred
I belong here! Not in a country where we are constantly voting for a new prime minister every six months!

Fred: standing up
Mate I'm not a fan of politics too, but that won't make me abandon my country!

Eden: snapping at Fred
Just because I was born there doesn't make me true blue! I am missing the real me!

Fred: snapping back at Eden
Do you think our diggers had that mind frame when they fought for our freedom!?! Why must you act like such a spoiled brat!?!

Eden: storming towards the front door
War is a tragedy! But you can't expect for every soldier to fight for something they don't want!

Fred: grabbing Eden by the hand
What are you trying to say!?!

Eden: biting at Fred's hand
That you can take someone somewhere against their will! But you can never make someone enjoy it!

Fred pulled his hand away from pain and shook it while letting Eden run away, leaving a haunting trail of footsteps in the snow as she bolted into the blizzard. Everyone ran over towards Fred and glanced out the door, seeing that Eden had disappeared and the blizzard had almost destroyed her trail.

Jake: watching the blizzard
I guess history does repeat itself...

Asta: confused
What do you mean?

Jake: rubbing the back of his neck
When I told her that I knew she was Australian she bit my hand too and dramatically ran off.

Fred: in pain
Brilliant! She now has a trademark! Tell her something she doesn't want to hear! Bit and run!

Lumi: looking at Fred's had
Seems like she almost drew blood, but that might seriously bruise. Here, follow me Aussie, I'll get the first aid box.

Christa: running after Lumi and Fred
Ooo! Ooo! Can I record you patching up his hand... And then voice over it will my soothing voice! I CAN ALREADY SMELL THE VIEWS!

Leaf: casual tone
Yo Chucky! What soothing voice!?!

Christa: yelling in the hallway
The one that gets me more ladies than you!

Leaf grumbled at the door for a few seconds and looked over at Asta, she was looking around the house with a sense confusion and worry bouncing off her.

Leaf: closing the front door
What's got you so flustered?

Asta: gasping
Where is Fenrir!?!

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