Chapter 14 - The Danish Dragon

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Jake and Fred were sitting on a couch looking out of an apartment window watching the snow fall, the bump of a tray being placed down on the coffee table turned both the boys attention away from the window. A tall man with dirty blonde hair and piercing blue eyes roughly in his mid twenties smiles up at the boys and offered them a beverage.

Leaf: gesturing to the beverages
Thirsty boys?

Fred: looking closely at the beverages
Is that beer?

Leaf: smiling

Fred: unamused
Mate what is your legal drinking age here?

Leaf: taking a glass of beer and sipping it
We don't have one in Denmark. Unless if you want to buy alcohol you'll need to be like 16 or something like that.

Fred: refusing the beverage
Sorry mate, but I'm not gonna go against the Aussie laws and my parents.

Jake: agreeing
Yeah, sorry too...

Leaf: nodding his head
It's fine! Actually I bet my parents wished I was that well mannered when I was both your age.

Jake: changing the topic
Where did you say you saw Eden?

Leaf: putting down his drink
I was at the library yesterday and over heard someone asking about the archives. So when I turned around I saw a girl that perfectly matched the description of Eden, she was really on edge so I didn't approach her just incase she would react horribly.

Jake: thinking
Did she get to see them?

Leaf: nodding
Yeah she got to see them, so I kept my distance and watched her. She seemed to have been disappointed with them because she left with a disappointed vibe radiating off her.

Jake: excited

Leaf: sighing
I lost her as she left the library.

Fred: rubbing his eyebrows and being sarcastic

Jake: thinking
It sounds like she has just moved onto another Nordic country.

Leaf: smiling
Good thing I got the rest of t--

*Ring, Ring*

Leaf: excitedly jumping up
Excuse me boys, this might be the news we are waiting for!

The excited Dane jumped to his feet and grabbed his beer before sliding over to the wall phone in his thick woollen socks against the wooden floor.

Leaf: casually picking up the phone will taking a sip of his beer
Hvad ryster ? (What's shaking)

Leaf: jumping with excitement
Virkelig!?! (Really)

Jake: standing up
Is it about Eden?

Leaf: covering the phone and quickly talking to the boys

Fred: jumping up
Do they have her!?!

Leaf: dropping his beer from shock
Du har lige gjort mig droppe min øl ! (You just made me drop my beer) Aldrig ringe til dette nummer igen! (Never call this number again)

Jake and Fred: in unison
What happened!?!

Leaf: scratching his head
Jeez, calm down... It was only a telemarketer...

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