A Mental Breakdown

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Okay, so I'm really sorry that this update took this long. Seriously, this writer's bloc thing needs to get out of my life. But anyway, here you go.

After talking with Bri, she agreed to watch Alex once more. She said she could do it on her own after Nikki got pissed off about the picture. I was fine with that though. I mean, after all, it wasn’t Alex’s fault, and Bri understood that.

I held John’s hand as we stood behind the black curtain.

“Hey Gem, you know what I’ve noticed?”

I looked up at him to see him smiling like an idiot. “What could that possibly be?”

He glanced down at me before looking back at the solid black curtain in front of us.

I nudged him when he didn’t reply. “Tell me!”

He chuckled. “Well, I’ve noticed that everyone around here keeps talking about this induction ceremony. And I’ve noticed that you don’t have a date.”

I could feel my cheeks getting warm and red. “So what are we going to do about that?”

He shrugged. “I dunno. I mean, I’ve already got a date…well sorta. I just haven’t gotten an answer yet.”

My smile kinda faded. He couldn’t have a date! He just couldn’t! I could feel my hand starting to sweat, and I hoped that he didn’t notice. “Well, who are you waiting for?”

He glanced down at me again. “Well Gem, if I asked you right now if you wanted to go to the ceremony as my date, what would you say?”

I continued to gaze up at him as Dolph Ziggler’s music was approaching it’s cutoff point. My smile started to grow back. “Well, I would definitely say yes. But what about your other girl? What would she say if she found out about this?”

He chuckled. “The other girl just said yes, so I guess that makes me a player right?”

I shook my head as his music started up. It’s now official. I’m going with John to the ceremony. I’m just hoping that nothing’s gonna jeopardize that.

I held his hand as we walked through the thick black curtain. The fans cheered as we did our salute and ran down to the ring.

The match was interrupted by The Shield. Those guys really irritated me. They were good, but I still didn’t like their characters.

The shield beat up John and sent him through the commentary table as Seth Rollins held me back. Dolph was pretty much out cold just outside the ring.

When The Shield finally went back up the ring, I held John’s hand as the doctors came out to help him up. I walked with him as he faked being hurt as much as he could.

We sat down at the nearest table in the concourse. John turned to me.

“Are you really that tired John that you have to sit down after your match? Because I’ve never seen you sit after a match.”

He smirked at me. “I’m not tired Gem.”

“Then what’s wrong?”

He untied his shoe and held it upside down. “There was a rock in my shoe this entire time and it was really starting to piss me off.”

I chuckled as he put his shoe back on. He stood up, and I did with him. He walked me back to the women’s locker room and kissed me on the cheek before going back to his. I smiled to myself as I pushed through the door.

After the show, I waited with Alex in the concourse area for John. We’ve been standing here for a good fifteen minutes for him. I’m exactly where he told me to meet him, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could wait. Alex is getting tired.

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now