A Change In Lines (now edited)

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1st: sorry about this blob. I'm uploading from my tablet but I will edit it soon :) I hope you can read this still!!

2nd: alright, I've finally gotten onto a computer to be able to edit this the right way. Hopefully it'll be a lot easier to read now xD PS: updates are on their way ;)

The rest of the week flew by quicker than it ever has. After leaving my parent’s house the morning after my crappy flashbacks, I was on the road again with the WWE. Tonight is the next show since last weekend, and I’m actually really happy about it. I would rather take my guy drama than family drama any day of the week.

I held Alex’s hand as we walked through the doors of the Tampa Arena. This arena isa lot bigger than the Target Center was, and in a way that’s a good thing for me. (More places to hide!)

Only carrying my gym bag over my shoulder, we made it to the women’s locker room. There was no one in there. Hmmm….

I threw my gym bag onto the long bench in front of my locker, and I headed towardsthe large backstage area. As I held Alex’s hand, we passed by a lot of stage crew carrying things in every direction. I occasionally got yelled at for being in the way.

But finally we made it through the large area to a large catering area, and that’s where I found all the familiar faces of the WWE.

I waved to Mel as I walked in with Alex, and we went and took our seats by her.“Hey Gem, I heard you were with family last weekend. I didn’t know you had family?”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Mel, everyone has family.”

She giggled and then rolled her eyes. “Well, you never talk about them. I just kinda figured since you never talk about them…. But anyway, how did that go?”

I sighed. “It sucked major ass. My dad still hates my guts, and his friend is still an asshole.”

“I’m sorry Gem. Hey, if it makes you feel better, you’re getting a raise tonight.”

I stared at Mel in disbelief. No one ever gets a raise in the WWE unless they becomea headliner. And there’s no way in hell McMahon would have me become a headliner! “What are you talking about Mel?”

She covered her mouth immediately. “Shit, I sooooo was not supposed to say anything about that.” She got up from the table and walked away. “John’s gonna kill me!....”I shook my head.

It was almost close to show time, and I still didn’t know what the deal was!I held Alex’s hand as we walked back to the large backstage area. I waited for Randy to show up, considering he always watched Alex at the shows.“Bewwas!” Alex screamed as he tugged on my hand. I couldn’t tell what he was talking about, but his hand slipped from mine.

“Alex, get back here!”

He ran across the floor as he approached the Bella Twins. They turned around and picked him up together, marveling over his cuteness like they always did.

I walked over to them.

“Hey Gem!” Bri smiled at me.

“Hey,” I said as I got closer. “Alex missed you two.”

“Aw, well we missed him too!” Nikki chimed in.

“Yeah we did!”

Alex smiled.

“Would you two like to watch him tonight? I’m sure he’d really love to spend time with you.” I was hoping they would say yes.

Bri hesitated before answering. “Yeah, we can do that. But we have a match tonight somewhere in the middle of the show. We can definitely watch him for the rest.” Shesmiled.

I smiled. “Awesome. Would you mind taking him right now? I really have to find out what my cues are for the night since everyone else refuses to tell me.”

Both girls smiled at me devilishly, and that’s when I knew they were in on it too. Butthey nodded at the same time.

“Of course we’ll take Alex.” “Yeah, we will have lots of fun.”

I smiled and rolled my eyes. “Alex, you behave for the Bellas or you’re not going to get to hang out with them anymore, okay?”

He nodded vigorously. “Yes Mommy!”

The Bellas smiled and walked away. I turned in the opposite direction and headed towards Vince’s office. I knocked on the door until I heard his huffy voice tell me to come in.

He didn’t smile when he saw me…in fact he didn’t really do anything. “What can I do for you Gem?”

“Well, I uh…I just…everyone else—”

“Gem, I don’t know if you have a speech problem or not, but your stuttering is wasting my time.” He looked back down at the paperwork on the large desk he sat behind.

“Vince—I mean Mr. McMahon, everyone has been telling me that my cues are getting changed.”

He rolled his eyes. “Did Randy or John tell you that?”

So they were the ones behind this! “Um, no they didn’t. Were they supposed to?”

He chuckled, mostly to himself. “Yes they were supposed to. Gem, go find them please, and they’ll tell you everything about tonight.”

I nodded and then walked out of his office. I don’t know what his problem was with me, but he just never warmed up to me since I’ve been back.

I circled the backstage area after I was told that I would be starting off the show. I still had no idea what I was supposed to be doing out there. John and Randy were both nowhere to be found.

“Gem!” I looked over and the stage manager was waving me down, trying to get meover there.

I rolled my eyes and jogged over to him. “What’s up?”

“What do you mean ‘what’s up’? You should’ve been standing over here a while ago.You ready for your music? Or does McMahon need to hear about this?”

I was shocked. “Um, I still don’t know what I’m supposed to be doing out there! Is there any way to prolong this?” I could hear the theme song getting to the cutoff point.

“No we don’t have a couple more minutes.” He flicked a button and my music started up.

I rolled my eyes and I stepped up to the curtain. I waited for my cue as I tapped my foot over and over again.

The stage manager signaled me and i ran out onto the ramp. I did my normal thing and blew my kisses. I walked...slowly...down to the ring trying to hit every hand i could, and i climbed under the bottom rope. I took my place in the middle of the ring and glared at the mic placed at my feet. I slowly picked it up as i tried to find my words. The crowd continued to cheer a little longer and i took a couple deep breaths. I placed the mic to my lips, ready to mumble whatever was there, but then i heard music.

I definitely knew that music.... Randy took his place at the top of the ramp with a smile on his face. I nearly choked on my spit when i saw him, "Gem before you say anything Id like to say a few words if you dont mind." I lowerd the mic in my hand and he gave me a friendly smile. He opened his mouth and thenanother round of music started. I knew exactly who it was again.

After a few seconds the music stopped and John stood next to Randy. I wasnt sure what Vince was planning on doing with these storylines, but i had a really bad feeling already just seeing the two of them out here with me.

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now