Smart Moves

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Hey guys, sorry about taking so long to update this. I've been really busy lately between work and getting ready to go back to college in a week. I promise I'll make it up to you all soon ;)

~Jessica Marie♥

I stood there in the middle of the ring with the microphone in my hand, awaiting someone to speak next. The two bickered back and forth on the top of the ramp, not into the mic.

I crossed my arms and brought the microphone up to my lips. “Guys?” They turned and looked at me. “Um, does this have anything to do with my match tonight?”

Tonight I had a mixed tag team match against AJ Lee, and Big E. I have the option to pick whoever I want for my partner. They both  nodded at me and crossed their arms.

I smiled and chuckled to myself, thinking of a pretty good idea to make this show more interesting tonight. After all, I’m getting paid a little more, why not have a little more fun? “Alright listen up guys. Here’s the plan.” Everyone went silent, waiting for my announcement. “Okay, Randy, John, you both are gonna compete in a match tonight, and whoever wins, gets to be my partner.”

They both turned and looked at each other, but then I got another idea. “But don’t think it’s just going to be between you two.”

Their mouths dropped. For once, I really did have control of the show! It felt good! I straightened my back and took a few steps around the ring. “You two are both gonna be in a fatal 4 way with two other guys.”

I walked towards the ramp and crawled under the bottom rope, and I started up.

“What are you talking about?”

“You can’t just place us with two other guys!”

John stopped me by the arm, and Randy grabbed my other one. I shook them off.

I looked at John as he scowled at me. “I’m your boyfriend Gem, you gotta pick me. This match doesn’t need to happen.”

Then I looked over at Randy. “I know you wanna pick me Gem. And I know someone else that wants you to pick me too.” He was hinting at Alex.

I shrugged both of them off and I placed the mic to my lips again. “I’m not telling you who just yet. I’ll reveal that in a little bit. But as for you two, I’d start getting ready, because it’s gonna be a loooooong night.” I swept past them and through the curtain.

To my surprise, Vince McMahon was waiting behind the curtain. I nearly ran him over.

“Gem, please follow me to my office.”

He was smiling as he spoke, but I just nodded and he turned around and started walking. I could only imagine what he wanted.

He took his seat behind the large desk and I sat down in the chair on the opposite side. “Gem, I know what you’re thinking. I’ve called you back here to yell at you. But I promise you that I’m not.”

I smiled slightly as I nodded my head. “Um, okay.”

He nodded again as he stared at me. He didn’t say anything else.

I started shaking my legs, trying to make the situation less awkward. But him sitting there staring at me, didn’t make it any easier. Finally I caved. “Um, can I ask what I’m doing in here, if I’m not in trouble?”

He nodded and chuckled as he turned sideways in his chair. “Well, I really liked your move out there tonight. I have to say, that solved quite a few of my problems. One, I think it’ll really raise some of the ratings for this week, two, it’ll help fill in for a match that we had to cancel because Zac Ryder is hungover and throwing up, and three, it’s an entertaining way of you choosing your damn partner.”

I think I was blushing because my face got warm. I’ve never had such nice words coming from Vince before. “Well, I wasn’t sure how well that would go over actually.”

He slammed his hand down on his table, catching me by surprise. “I don’t care what you were thinking, that was amazing thinking on your part!” His smile started to fade as he became more serious. “Alright Gem, get out of my office. I’ll be waiting to see your next move tonight.”

I nodded and got up from my chair. “Thank you again, sir,” I said as I walked out, closing the door behind me.

I smiled to myself as I walked back to the concourse. I could see Alex playing with the Bella twins on the opposite side of me. I was still smiling like an idiot as I pursued towards them. But I was blocked. I ran right into Randy and John, who both had their arms crossed.

I nearly fell backwards as I tried to recover from ramming my head into their large arms.

“What the hell was that Gem?”

I looked over at John who was waiting for a response for his question. “What do you mean?”

“What he means, is what the hell was that out there in the ring?” Randy scowled at me.

I looked between the two of them as I tried to find a good answer for the both of them, but I couldn’t. “Look, the only reason I did that was because I had no idea what else to do. No one told me what the plan was going to be tonight, so I took matters into my own hands.”

I smirked as I tried to pass them again, but they blocked me.

“Seriously guys, let me through! I want to see my son.”

“No,” John said angrily. “We’re not letting you through until you tell us who we’re facing tonight.”

I rolled my eyes before I scoffed at him. “I can’t tell you.”

“Why not?” Randy straightened up.

I rolled my eyes again. “Are you seriously not letting this go? Randy, I want to see our son. Is that too much to ask?”

John straightened out as well. “You know the deal Gem. You tell us who we’re facing tonight, and we’ll let you go through.”

I scoffed. “I just said, I can’t tell you! Do you guys not listen?”

Randy shook his head at me. “Why not Gem?”

“Because!” I shouted.

“Because why?”

“Ugh!” I screamed even louder. “BECAUSE I DON’T EVEN KNOW YET!”

They both looked at each other, and I took the opportunity to get passed them. I was even more annoyed with them than I was before.

“Mommy!” Alex ran over and hugged my leg as I walked over to him. I scooped him up and cradled him in my arms.

“Hi Alex! Have you been good so far?”

He nodded excitedly. “Of course Mommy! I wike the Bewwas!”

I giggled as I set him back down. “Thank you girls again for watching him tonight. He likes you.”

They smiled at me and I sat with them for a little while before I had to make my next appearance.

John and Randy still stood outside the entrance to the concourse. Randy watched as Gem picked up her son and held him in her arms. “Why would she do something like that?”

“That’s just Gem,” John said. He walked down the hallway, and Randy followed

Randy chuckled. “I can only imagine who she’s gonna get to face us tonight.”

“Either way, we know who’s gonna win.”

With a smile on both their faces, they pointed at themselves.

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now