After Somewhat Dumb Things in the Story, the Decision! :P

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Alright, this is leading up to the last chapter of the story. I'm sorry for boring you all with some of the other stuff in this story. I was a little off when I started the story on where I was going to go. But since we're getting down to the last...maybe few chapters left, this chapter is actually a lot shorter. So now I'm done explaining this and boring you even more, but yeah. Here you go :) Please enjoy it, and keep telling me your thoughts! I really love relating to them cause I reread my chapters after reading your comments :)

BLAH BLAH BLAH ME ME ME....okay start reading :P

I looked up into John’s eyes. His suit was a soft grey. He pulled me in, wrapping his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he continued to pull me closer to his face. He smiled, and so did I. I finally pushed myself and kissed him hard on the lips. He leaned in and kissed me back. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw Randy standing off to the side with a scowl on his face.

Luckily, the turbulence woke me up. Alex was fast asleep in the window seat of the plane. I sat up and stretched my arms out.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, we will be preparing for departure in 5 minutes.” The flight attendant flipped a switch and the PLEASE RETURN TO YOUR SEATS light blinked.

As the plane finally touched down, Alex woke up wearily. We got off the plane and I held onto his hand firmly. We headed past all the restaurants and headed straight to the baggage claim. I fumbled with my bags again, trying to stack them nicely to where they wouldn’t fall, but it took me a while before I finally got it.

I walked outside still holding Alex’s hand and we headed straight for the limo with my name on it. This is probably the first time I’ve ever seen that!

We stayed in a large hotel. The WWE had all the first floor suites reserved especially for us! I was staying with Melina and the Bellas, luckily.

After finally getting everything unpacked, Alex started bugging me about going to the pool. So I got him in his little swimsuit, and then I changed into my bikini. All us girls, and Alex, headed down the hall to the pool.

I sat on the edge of the deep end, putting my feet in the water. Alex sat on my lap.

The Bellas were already hitting up the hot tub with Mel, gossiping about who knows what.

“Mommy, I wanna go in da water!”

“Alright.” I picked him up and set him down on the side of me so I could stand up. I picked him up and I walked over to the stairs in the shallow end and I started to walk in. The water wasn’t too cold, but it was a little chilly.

I got deeper and deeper in the water and I slowly dipped him in.

“Auntie Mew! Bewwas! Come pway wiff me!”

I looked over and the girls were getting out of the hot tub, waving at Alex, still somewhat gossiping. It took a little while for them to get out to where I was, but they finally joined me.

“So Gem, how are your boyfriends doing?”

I shot Mel a look. “Shut up Mel. They can both go to hell and back for all I care. And then after they’ve done that, they can go back to hell again.”

She giggled. “Calm down Gem, you know every time I say that, I’m only joking. Come on.”

Alex splashed her with small bits of water.

The Bellas were both wearing matching deep red bikinis. They looked gorgeous! I couldn’t help but stare. I wish I looked that good. :P

I handed Alex over to the Bellas, because he was trying to swim to them. I watched as they played with him in the water. I didn’t even notice Mel next to me.

“Come on Gem, you know you can talk to me.”

“Can I?”

She splashed me with water. “Come on Gem, you haven’t talked to me in so long. Everyone’s so far out of your loop. I feel like you’re slowly going insane! The least you could do is let us know what’s been going on.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, my problem is, I’m in love with two completely different guys who completely hate each other. One of them has been a total asshole lately, and now he’s playing with my mind, and the other one is…well he’s….” I sighed.

Mel laughed.

“It’s not funny Mel. I need to do something about it. It’s driving me insane, and I’m sick of Alex being wound up in the middle of all of it.”

She continued giggled. I placed my hands on my hips underwater. “What is so damn funny Mel?”

She rolled her eyes and folded her arms in front of her. “Gem, it’s pretty obvious who’s really there for you. How can’t you decide?”

She had a point. After all, John’s been there for me the most. He’s been there with every problem that I had, and he’s never done anything to hurt me like Randy has. “I think I got it Mel.”

She giggled again. “Need me to set up another date?”

I rolled my eyes. “Not this time. I think I have an idea.”

She tilted her head to the side.

I smiled at her. “After all, the company is throwing a little induction ceremony thing followed by dancing and partying for all the newcomers next week. I think maybe I can set something up.”

She smiled back at me again. “I see where you’re going with this. If you need me to do anything babe, just let me know.”

I nodded. “You know I will.”

I watched Alex play with the Bellas in the pool. They dipped him in and out of the water and he giggled playfully. But we weren’t alone in the pool for long. A few of the other superstars joined us. Natalya, AJ and Beth Phoenix all came walking in at the same time. Natalya smiled at us, and we all smiled back. They were followed by Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus, and Wade Barrett.

The room echoed with laughter and talking as Alex and I joined Mel and the Bellas back in the hot tub.

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now