A Mistake In The Dark

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*** AAAHHHHHH John Cena♥ and Randy Orton♥ both so sexy!!

Well.....hope you're still enjoying :P ***

I could feel something on my nose. I couldn’t quite tell what it was, but I could tell it was there. I could feel the cool crisp air surrounding me, and there was a body next to me. Then I heard birds.

Finally I opened my eyes. I immediately swatted a bug off my nose. Where was I?

I looked next to me and I smiled. John was sleeping next to me, and he fell asleep holding me. The candles around us had all burnt out. I fumbled around the grass for my small bag and I grabbed out my phone. I had a low battery, but it was almost 4 in the morning.

I tapped John on the shoulder. He didn’t budge.

I tapped him again…. He still didn’t move. I could see him breathing so he wasn’t dead at least.

“John,” I said out loud. Still nothing. Man, what the hell is going to wake this guy up?

“John,” I said even louder this time, finally he moved. He turned on his side. Dammit.

“John!” Finally he picked his head up.

“What do you want? I’m sleeping?”

I punched him in the arm. “John get up, it’s almost 4 in the morning.”

“Okay, it’s almost 4 in the morning, let me get back to bed.” he half curled up into a ball, and he started dozing off again. I wasn’t going to let him fall back asleep though….

I casually crawled over to where I thought the path might have been, and I found it. I grabbed some pebbles and I stood up on my feet. I adjusted my dress, and John’s jacket over my shoulder, and I started tossing pebbles at my sleeping…boyfriend? I don’t know if I’d call him that just yet, but we’ll see.

One pebble…. Two pebbles…. Three pebbles…. Finally he sat up. “What the hell is going on?”

I tossed another pebble and hit him in the arm.

“What the fuck?” He nearly jumped up off the blanket, but then he saw me through the darkness. “Gem what the hell are you doing over there.”

I giggled, feeling amazed. “I’ve been trying to wake you up this whole damn time.”

He grabbed his phone from his pocket and looked at the time. “Holy shit, we need to get you back to the hotel.”

“Thank you, that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you.”

He chuckled as he walked over to me. “Alright, I’ll have my people pick this stuff up, let’s get back to the limo.” He paused for a second.

“What’s wrong?”

He stared out to where the path led to the right; “I think we came from this way.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s just great. You got us lost.”

Sure enough, we followed his hunch, and we found the limo, with the driver sleeping in the back. He apologized numerous times for “sleeping on the job” but we kept telling him that it was fine. We arrived back at the hotel at about 4:30 AM. I felt really bad for leaving Randy there for the entire night.

We headed into the hotel and straight into the elevator.

“You think Randy’s gonna be pissed that you’ve been out this long?”

I rolled my eyes at John’s question. “He shouldn’t be. He wanted to spend more time with Alex in the first place. He should be happy that he’s spending the night with him. Besides, I’ll be quiet when I walk in so he won’t even know what time I get back.”

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now