Strike One For Randy =/

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Tonight’s show was rather short. The matches all ended nearly as quickly as it had begun, and I know that it was all going to come down to the final match. It was going to be a match between Randy Orton and John Cena. And the match had to at least last a good half hour. We all received the text about it, but that’s about it.

I had showered and got dressed, and I’ve already finished packing up my gym bag. I headed out of the women’s locker room with the bag over my shoulder, and the flowers and chocolates in my arm. I couldn’t find any other way of carrying it.

I headed straight for the garage area to put all of my belongings in the limo. After everything was gone from my arms, I headed back inside the arena to get Alex.

“Gem, Gem! Come quick!” Before I could see who it was, I was grabbed by the arm and dragged towards the concourse. Long golden-brown hair…and glittery wrestling outfit…there was only one person who…Eve!

I took my arm back and she stopped. She turned around and stared at me. “Gem, you need to come here and see this! It’s Alex!”

I glared at her. I couldn’t believe she had the nerve to even say my son’s name. “What’s wrong with Alex?” I asked.

She reached for my arm again and I pulled away.

“Tell me Eve! I’m not going anywhere until you tell me!”

She scoffed at me. “Gem, there’s no time for this! You need to come help your son!”

I tapped my foot and crossed my arms.

She sighed. “Look, Alex somehow climbed on top of all this crap, and now he’s stuck. I don’t know how he did it but he’s really high up!”

I looked at her, trying to find some truth in her eyes. “How can I know that this isn’t a joke Eve?”

Before she could answer, Melina came rushing down the hallway with tears in her eyes. “Gem! Gem you need to come here quick! It’s Alex, he’s stuck on top of all this crap!” She looked over and saw who I was talking to, but before she could explode on Eve, I took off towards the concourse and saw where everyone was crowded.

There were large speakers, tables, chairs, and a whole lot of other things stacked against a wall, and sure enough, Alex was on top of all of it. There’s no way in hell he could’ve climbed that all by himself. But there was only one thing on my mind right now…getting him down.

I got closer and I could hear him calling for me. He was crying, and he was crying hard. I could see the tears rushing from his face as he sat on top of a folded up table.

“Oh my God,” was all I could manage as I tried to get closer. He could finally see me, and he scooted closer to the edge, which worried me even more. “ALEX NO!” He stopped moving and stayed where he was. “Alex listen to me, stay right there okay? I’m gonna get you down!”

Everyone was rushing around, and I was panicking, trying to find a way to get up there. With tears in my eyes, I looked around for some kind of lift machine or something, I saw someone starting to climb. It was Randy.

I ran over behind him as he took careful steps to climb up the large speakers on the bottom of the pile.

“Randy what are you doing?!”

He looked down and saw me. “I’m not gonna wait around for someone else Gem, we need to get him down!”

I stared in disbelief as he continued going up. “Randy are you crazy?! There’s no way of climbing that thing! Besides, what are you going to do when you get up there?! Just throw him down to me?! Just come down Randy!”

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now