The Fight That Made Everything Worse

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Sorry guys, this should have been uploaded a while ago, but my computer has locked me out for the past week. I apologize again and hope that you enjoy :)

Bursting through the door, John quickly found Randy getting ready to step in the shower. He quickly turned him around and punched him in the face.

Randy got up to his feet as he held his bloody nose. “John, you’re gonna regret doing that.” With hate in his eyes, he pushed John backwards against the wall.

“Ya know what Randy? Why don’t you make me regret it!”

Back out in the concourse area, I quickly walked to the training room, trying not to be seen by Jake…or anyone else for that matter.

I knocked on the door first, just to make them aware, and then I turned the handle and pushed through. I was glad to see that Alex was having a great time with Hunter.

I watched as Hunter taught Alex how to punch and hit, and it was quite amusing. I closed the door and leaned against it, watching in admiration.

Finally, Alex jumped onto Hunter and Hunter pounded his fist three times on the mat. Alex beat him in a fake match. Alex got up and jumped around and around with joy. I started clapping.

Hunter turned over onto his stomach to see me standing at the door. “Oh hey Gem, didn’t even hear you come in.”

Alex noticed me too. “Mommy!”

I shrugged. “Well, I figured I wouldn’t say anything, and just let you guys finish what you were doing.”

He got up onto his knees as he took a deep breath. “This kid has a lot of energy.”

Alex ran over to him and jumped onto his back.

I walked to the apron and watched Alex climb around some more. Then I heard screaming. I turned around and looked at the door, as if it were going to open or something, but it didn’t. There was more screaming, and I could tell Hunter could hear it too.

“What the hell is going on out there?” He slid under the bottom rope and walked towards the door. I turned around and grabbed my son and carried him, staying close behind Hunter.

He opened the door, and we could see shadows of people moving around. Then there was a large crash. I flinched, and so did Alex.

Hunter approached the concourse, and I followed. I could already see a table smashed in half. I did not have a good feeling about this.

Hunter stopped just around the corner of the hallway, and I moved around him to see what was going on. I freaked! John and Randy were both fighting in the middle of the backstage area, and no one was able to stop them!

I quickly set Alex down, and Hunter instinctively grabbed him. I rushed over to where both men were staring each other down. There was blood coming from Randy’s face, and John’s face was pretty beaten as well.

They stood there in silence, waiting for the other to make the next move, and contemplating as to what they would follow up with.

I couldn’t help but panic. “JOHN! RANDY! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!”

Neither of them answered; they didn’t even move.

Randy took a step back as John remained still. I quickly reached for John’s arm, and I tried to yank him to the side. He didn’t budge. Then I walked over to Randy.

“Randy, you need to stop this NOW! We can talk about this! Please just stop!”

Randy didn’t move. The room started spinning around me and I could feel my emotions caving in. There was nothing I could do to get either of these men to calmly settle down.

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now