Talking Can Change Everything

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“Gem, he’s my son too. I think that he should be allowed to start staying with me sometimes too.”

I was starting to get pissed. “Randy, we agreed that I take him home every night at least until he gets more comfortable around you.”

He rolled his eyes as he stood up from the steel chair and leaned against the wall. “Gem, I want to be able to start treating him like my son. That’s more than just spending time with him at the arenas we go to.”

I rolled my eyes and got up from my chair. I stood next to him and leaned against the wall as I looked over at Alex who was playing with the Bella twins. They brought a ball and were throwing it back and forth. Alex looked happy. “Randy, I think after a little more time he’ll be ready for that.”

Randy sighed and I could feel him flex his shoulders as he folded his arms in front of him. He didn’t say anymore.

I turned to the side and leaned against my shoulder. I stared at him as he continued to watch our son. “Randy, it’ll get there. I just think he needs to spend more time with you first.”

Again he rolled his eyes, but he softened his gaze. “I know you’re probably right. I just feel like I should be more of a father to him.”

Hearing that made me smile. Before he found out about Alex, I never would have pictured Randy to be a father-figure. It never would’ve been a thought on my mind, especially after we had our falling out years ago.

I sighed and he looked over at me. “No hard feelings Randy?”

He nodded. “I guess.” A small smile formed across his lips and I glanced back over at Alex. He was having so much fun playing with the Bella twins. This was the fourth or fifth time that Alex has spent time with the girls since they were attacked and Alex was kidnapped.

Suddenly Randy moved and he wrapped his strong arm around my waist. I leaned into him as we watched our son. “I never did ask you,” I looked up at him. “How were you able to fight off all of those guys down in that tunnel?”

I could feel him chuckle as I leaned against his side. “It didn’t take much honestly. They weren’t very strong to begin with.”

I laughed back with him. Alex was walking over to us with the ball in his hands. He threw it at my legs as he got closer, and I kicked it back to him. He got it and giggled. “Mommy, woo get it!” He threw it back at me and I bent down and caught it in my arms. Then he charged at Randy’s legs.

Randy grabbed him and lifted him into the air. Randy smiled while Alex laughed. It was such a sight to see. I secretly got a picture of them both on my phone when Randy wasn’t looking. I know he wasn’t very fond of pictures.

As I went to put my phone back into my pocket, it started ringing. I stared at the number, trying to figure out who it was. But no one came to mind.

I looked over at Randy, who was nodding at me to take the phone call, so I did. I took a few steps away as the Bella Twins walked over to Randy and Alex.


“Gem? Geminie is this you?”

The voice sounded kinda hoarse, but it was somewhat familiar. “Um, yeah this is Gem, who is this?”

“Oh my goodness! Gemi, it’s so nice to hear your voice again after all these years!”

I sat down on a steel chair in the far area of the concourse. “That still didn’t answer my question mysterious voice who actually knows me.”

The voice chuckled. “Who do you think this is, silly? It’s your mother.”

Everything inside me dropped. I haven’t spoken to my mother since she shamed me for becoming a wrestler. It was something that she just didn’t think a REAL lady shouldn’t do with her life. “Uuuuh, I mean uuum,” was all I could manage.

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now