Another Chapter All About The Sexy Randy Orton...greeeat... - EDITED

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Haha, I'm sorry to just kinda edit this one little random spot, but I really like Alex in this chapter. I laughed writing the whole thing because it's something that my little cousin used to do :P he would run around not wanting to do what he was supposed to xD


Okay, so I've kinda broken my promise by not updating this for a while...but I was trying to figure out what way I wanted this to go. And to be completely honest, I started this chapter over at least 4 different times trying to see what would work best. But I finally said WHATEVER! Anyways, enjoy. Working on the next update, and will hopefully get that in the next couple of days.

Last night was okay. Hunter watched Alex, I didn’t run into Randy or John, and there was no Eve to start drama. It was a very good night. I really needed the night out. But today is a different day. My mother has been blowing up my phone all morning…wanting me to come and visit again. She says that my father wants to see me….YEAH RIGHT!

I’ve been declining her calls all day. I refuse to talk to her. Whatever. Anyway, I don’t have time to talk to anyone today. Alex and I are travelling to New York for tomorrow’s photo shoot and show. Alex was already giving me a hard time, because I guess he’s mad at me. But what does a 3 year old have to be mad about? Ugh, I’m just feeling frustrated.

“Alex, will you please put your pants on?” I stared at my son as he stood in the middle of the bed in his pull-ups, like he was a superhero.

“No!” He shouted at me.

I rolled my eyes as I held his pants tightly in my hand. “Alex get down here now!”

He shook his head and proceeded to place the sheets around his neck, making a cape.

I got up off my knees and I started circling the end of the bed as he moved from side to side quickly. “Alex get back here!”

He shook his head and jumped off the bed, heading for the door. As I lunged for his leg to try and stop him, I stepped on my deodorant and I crashed to the floor. As my breath left my body, I closed my eyes. I opened them shortly after and took a deep breath. I saw the back end of the sheet flying out the door.

I slowly got up, screaming my son’s name. I was getting more and more frustrated.

I was finally on my feet again and I darted out the door. I ran straight out to the left and ran right into a shoulder. That hurt. I crashed back down to the floor.

I opened my eyes as I laid on my back, and I looked straight up into the hallway lights above me. “Alex?”

I heard a chuckled. “Yeah, cause this kid has that big of a body Gem.”

I propped myself up on my elbows and I stared up into Randy’s face. “What the hell are you doing with my son?”

He looked back at me with a glare. “Really Gem?”

I nodded. “Put him down Randy.”

He remained still for a few seconds before he started to bend over, gently placing Alex on the floor. But Alex threw a fit. “No! I wike Wandy! Up! Up!”

I got up to my feet and I grabbed Alex’s hand before he ran away again. “Come on Alex, we need to get you dressed.”

“No! I wanna be wiff Wandy!”

I started tugging him lightly. “Come on Alex! Do you really want all these people to see you in your underwear?”

He giggled at the word “underwear,” before he finally nodded.

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now