My Precious Son's Father

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The alarm was still going off since the first time I woke up, and as I came back to reality, I realized I had only passed out for about 30 seconds. Finally I felt Randy moving behind me. With his large strong muscly arm, he reached over me and dropped his hand on the snooze button.

As I watched him bring his arm back, he shuffled a little bit. Finally he poked me. “Gem?” He sounded really shocked.

I tried to sound as calm as I could. “Yes Randy. I am Gem.”

I’ve never seen anybody move as fast as he did in that instant. He hopped out of the bed, taking the blankets with him. As I rolled over to glare at him, I saw he was only standing in a pair of dark blue boxers.

I couldn’t keep from blushing at that moment. I could tell he was nervous looking at me too. Then I looked down again and realized I was in a large tee shirt. I quickly curled up and pulled the shirt down as low as it would go.



He reached down and grabbed his jeans from the floor. After putting them on, he threw the sheets back on the bed. I snatched them quickly and pulled them over my legs.

“What time did you get in here last night?” He folded his arms across his bare chest. His tattoos were entirely visible, and it was…kinda turning me on.

“I don’t remember what time. When I got back you both were sleeping. I didn’t wanna turn on a light to wake either of you up.” I heard noises from behind me and I looked back to see Alex rolling over. He was still asleep.

“You know Gem, I remember asking you to text me last night. Which you DIDN’T do.”

“Well I’m sorry that my phone doesn’t stay charged forever Randy.”

He rolled his eyes and walked over to the bathroom, picking up a tee shirt on the way. As he closed the bathroom door, I jumped out of bed and over to my clothes bag. I grabbed out a tank top and quickly changed into that. I then grabbed a pair of pajama shorts and changed into them too.

I was still standing at my bag when he came out of the bathroom.

“Why do you do that?”

I turned around and scoffed. “What are you talking about?”

“That.” He pointed at what I was wearing and then he folded his arms. “Why do you always wear things that make you look so sexy?”

I could feel my cheeks starting to blush again. I wanted to avoid that so bad, but I couldn’t help it. “Stop trying to suck up to me Randy.” I turned back to my bag as I dug out clothes for Alex to wear for today. I set them aside as I crawled back to the large empty bed. I sat down and looked over at Randy who was leaning against the wall like he normally did. “Are you going back to your room this morning?”

He shrugged. “I probably should, that way I can take another nap before the live event tonight.”

I almost forgot, there was another live event tonight at the Target Center. “Well okay then.” I slumped back against the large wooden panel that was connected to the top of the bed.

“You don’t sound too thrilled about that,” he smiled at me childishly.

“Why would you think that. I would love to have you out of my room.”

He chuckled. “By the way you said it the first time, you were upset that I was leaving. Just admit it Gem. You’re not a good liar at all. Just like last night. I know it wasn’t some work thing. It was a date. Face it, you’re a terrible liar.”

I couldn’t think of how to respond to that. Was I really that bad at lying? I guess I kinda am. But did I really want him back in bed with me? Yes…I did. I wanted him in this bed in so many different ways. But was I ever going to admit that to him a second time? Not for a long time.

“Come on Gem, you don’t want me to leave.”

I smiled slyly. “I so want you to leave Randy. I just don’t think Alex would like it if you left.”

He looked down at the floor as he thought about what I had said. He knew I was right about that. He took off his shirt and he threw it at the edge of my bed.

“Randy what the hell are you doing?”

He shrugged before unzipping his pants. “Well, looking at that clock, it’s only 7:30 in the morning. I don’t have to get up and do anything for another few hours, and since Alex doesn’t want me to leave, I’m going back to bed.” His pants dropped to the floor and he picked them up, throwing them at me instead.

I pretended they were gross and threw them back onto the floor. They smelled like his cologne and they smelled good. That’s probably the only time I’ll ever admit to smelling a man’s pants….

“Where are you gonna sleep then tough guy?” I mocked him.

“Well, I’m sure my son wouldn’t mind it if I cuddled with him, but I think you’d rather want me in your bed.”

I pretended to throw up. “Why in the hell would I want that?”

He walked over to the edge of the bed. “Face it Gem, you’re in love with this body.”

I couldn’t lie to that. As he pointed at his body, and he flexed his muscles, I could feel my cheeks blushing again. He was gorgeous. His muscles were literally chiseled into his body and they were outstanding. “Randy, I swear to God if you get in this bed, I’m pushing you out.”

He raised his eyebrow, and he jumped onto the bed. I scooted over part way just to avoid getting hit. Unfortunately, I tied myself up in the sheets and I had limited movements.

“Come on Gem, push me out of the bed.” He was toying with me. I wanted so badly to rip his boxers off and just jump all over him. He was that sexy. But all of a sudden last night played into my mind. Everything that happened with John. I really liked John. I didn’t want to lose what we had.

When I didn’t answer, he laid back against me and he became dead weight.

Finally I gave in. I pushed him over to the other side of the bed, and I tried to use my feet to push him off of the bed. But instead he grabbed my legs. His hands held on to me, not tight, but enough to stop them from moving. He laid down on them as he removed his hands to grab mine.

He blocked my attempted punches and grasped my hands together with only one of his hands. With his other hand, he adjusted himself so that way he was on top of me. He had me pinned down to the bed. I was turned on.

“Looks like I win Gem.”

I couldn’t help but smile at his childishness. I should’ve seen this coming, but he leaned in and he kissed me. He kissed me deep and hard…and I kissed him back.


Make sure you go back to the last chapter and answer my awesome question :P Why? Because I'm telling you too ;D

Seriously though, this story is getting goooooooooddd!! :P

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now