My Breathtaking Make-up Date

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*** Sorry this chapter is so long :P ***

I started pacing around the hotel room, trying to think of what to say to Randy when he knocks on the door. All I asked was for him to come up here. I never asked him about watching Alex…yet.

Alex was nearly asleep on the bed, watching his Thomas the Tank Engine DVD. He was dozing in and out, singing a few of the silly songs that he’s heard over a hundred times. He looked over at me occasionally, and I smiled at him before he went back to looking at the TV.

I couldn’t stop pacing. Why was I worried so much? I mean, Randy and I weren’t really on that great of terms. I felt more like we were doing it just for Alex. But did I really want to admit to him that I was going on a date with his best friend?

There was a knock on the door and all my thoughts were interrupted. Alex sprang up in the bed. “Mommy someone in door!”

I turned around as I walked towards the door to smile at him. “Alex, it’s okay. It’s Randy. He’s gonna be watching some movies with you. Is that okay?”

“Yay!” He got up and jumped on the bed, messing up the blankets. I rolled my eyes as I turned the handle. All I could hear in the background was, “Wandy! Wandy! Wandy! I wike Wandy!”

Randy stood in the doorway. “Hey G—Beautiful….” His jaw nearly dropped at the black strapless dress I was wearing. I know it was going to give it away what I was doing, but I thought I could try to convince him otherwise. I could at least keep it to myself who I was going with.

I chuckled at his expression as I led him in. Alex jumped off the bed and charged at Randy’s ankles. “Wandy! I meesed you!”

After a few mild punches to his knees, Randy picked Alex up and tossed him over his shoulder playfully. “I missed you too buddy!” He walked Alex over to the bed as I grabbed my smaller matching purse from my bag. As Alex scurried up the bed, Randy turned back towards me. “So where are you going again?”

I stammered, trying to think of what to say. Moment of truth. I’m going to open my mouth, and I’m gonna let whatever come out. “Uh, I’m actually going out to a restaurant with a few people to help come up with storylines for the next upcoming weeks.” Wow, nice going Gem. Mind High Five!

Randy nodded. “Alright, well enjoy your night.”

I nodded back. “Will do. Hey Randy, thanks again for watching him. I know you said you wanted more time with him, and I figured this would give you some more time.”

“I appreciate it Gem. By the way, you look really beautiful tonight.”

I couldn’t help but blush. I walked over and gave Alex a kiss on the forehead and I walked out of the room. I received a text from John in the elevator, that he was in a limo waiting outside. Wow, a limo? Fancy.

I walked through the lobby, accepting stares from the few people down there, and I headed through the revolving doors. There were two men dressed up nicely, one in a tuxedo who was facing me. The other man was talking to the guy in the tux, when finally he turned around. John looked very nice.

He smiled at me as the driver opened the door. John helped me into the limo, and then followed me. The driver shut the door and headed back to the driver’s seat.

“You look really beautiful tonight Gem.” John’s eyes were twinkling, and I could tell that he was somewhat nervous. I’ve known him for years, I know what he’s feeling whenever he’s feeling different from just happy.

“You look really good too John.” His gray jacket over a white dress shirt, went very well with him. The matching grey pants suited him nicely too.

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