Family Time Is NOT Golden

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So, I wasn't anticipating these chapters getting just sorta happened....

and the direction this story is going right now is getting into a lot of background information. I hope you still enjoy the chapters. Don't be afraid to comment and review :) things you like/dislike :P

My driver Jim helped me unpack my bags. If things actually did go good, I figured I would spend the night here. But that’s a large IF. Besides, I had my driver’s number to have him come back. And he said he’s more than happy to if it really comes down to it.

Jim moved my bags up to the front step, and I walked inside holding Alex as Jim took off back down the dirt road through the trees.

I took off my shoes as I looked around at the old familiar living room. “Hello?”

A couple seconds later I could hear footsteps coming from the kitchen through the doorway straight ahead. Then the doorway is filled with a larger women with very short curly blonde hair. It was my mother. I haven’t seen her in years. She rushed out to me and enveloped me in her arms. “Gem! I haven’t seen you in so long!”

I could instantly smell the cigarette smoke from her clothes. Still standing in the doorway, was my father with a bottle of beer in his hand. He didn’t say anything.

“So, this is Alex?”

I nodded as we all moved over to the large sofa.

My mother and I sat down, leaving a small spot inbetween us. I set Alex down as he was just waking up. “So how old is he Gem?”

“He’s going to be 4 next month.”

She sighed. “I can’t believe you’ve kept him a secret all this time.”

I rolled my eyes. She knows why I haven’t contacted her. “Mother, is the guest room still open?”

She nodded as she played around with Alex. “Yeah, your Uncle Grant was living in there for a few months, but that was a couple years ago. It’s been open ever since.”

Ugh, normally I would hate to be in a place where Grant was, but I had no choice. If they still had my bedroom set up the way it used to be, there wasn’t going to be any room for me and Alex to sleep. The guest bed at least had a large bed.

“What was Grant doing living here?”

My mother chuckled. “Well, he was havin’ a house built for him a couple miles away from here and he had no place to stay for the time bein’.” She sighed and turned back towards the doorway. “Charlie get in here and say hello to your daughter!”

“Mom, it’s fine, let him be.” I didn’t want to see my father. He was just as big of an asshole as Grant was. But my father never liked me. He actually started hating me ever since my older brother died when I was 11. I hated thinking about that. My brother and I didn’t have a great relationship, but it was still good.

“Darlin’, you know your father loves ya.”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you kidding me mom? He hasn’t said a word to me in at least 12 years.”

She chuckled again. “He’s still grumpy as all hell. But let’s get the guest room ready for ya.”

We stood up. “Mother, I remember where it is, you don’t have to show me.”

She smiled as she watched me pick Alex up. “Do you have any bags or anything with you?”

I almost forgot about them. “Yeah actually, I almost forgot about them. They’re out on the front step. But don’t worry about them Mother, I’ll get them. they’re pretty heavy.”

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن