New High Score For: Tension Level!

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John kicked open the door to the locker room. Luckily, him and Randy were the only ones in there. Randy grabbed the small towel from the floor and threw it at the wall. “Why the hell would she do something like that?”

John sat down on the long bench in front of the lockers and placed his hands on his head. “I don’t know, but it’s starting to piss me off.”

Randy looked at him with a smirk. “Why does it piss you off?”

John sighed. “Well, she’s been ignoring us outside the show, and now she wants to ignore us at work.”

“Why is that such a big deal to you? For shit sakes, I have a kid that we have to share.”

John looked up at him with a frown. “It’s a big deal because we’ve been good friends for years. You of all people should understand that.”

Randy rolled his eyes. “Come on John, it’s not like you’re in love with her or anything like that. I get it though. You wanna keep your friends. But come on John, I think my situation’s a little more important because of Alex.”

John stood up from the bench. “Okay, I see. But if I remember correctly, before you found out that he was YOUR son, you really didn’t want anything to do with her. Especially since you were dating Eve.”

“And we found out that Eve is a nutcase. Plus, I never DIDN’T want anything to do with her. When she came back to the company, she wanted us to be friends again, and I agreed.”

“So, in other words, you didn’t make the first move, she did.”

They were nearly touching, getting in each other’s face. Randy sighed. “Come on John, why do you care so much right now? We need to focus on the match tonight. I mean, would you rather her partner be one of the foreign guys? Or would you rather have it be me or you; someone that she already knows and someone that actually cares about her?”

John blinked a few times as he took a deep breath. “I would rather be her partner.” He walked out of the locker room in a blind rage, heading straight for the garage to clear his head.

I scarfed down the sandwich on my plate as Sheamus and Wade ate their meals as well. I couldn’t believe how hungry I was.

“So when is this match taking place tonight?” Wade asked, eating a french fry.

I shrugged. “Vince is supposed to tell me when canceled match was supposed to be, but he hasn’t told me yet.”

Sheamus nodded. “Is there any set person who’s supposed to win tanight?”

I shrugged again. “Not really. Honestly, whatever happens in this match happens. If you guys wanna win, then you gotta win. But I’m gonna tell Randy and John the same thing: the match can’t go over twenty minutes. At least that’s what Vince told me.”

They both nodded.

“Alright, well, we’re just gonna wing it. Whoever’s the closest to winning, will have to win. I mean, whoever’s closest to winning, the others have to let them win.”

I nodded. Wade had a point. “Alright, I will let John and Randy know that too. After all, it really does have to be fair.” My plate was empty. I got up from the table and they both looked at me. “Alright, I’m gonna go find those two and let them know the plan. I’ll tell Vince to find you two also when he finds out the time for the match.” They nodded and I walked away.

My first guess to where they would be, was the men’s locker room. I knocked on the door over and over again. There was no answer. “Hello,” I yelled to the door, “is anyone in there? It’s Gem!”

WWE: A Baby and Three Wrestlers ~BOOK TWO~Where stories live. Discover now