'Not really only if you have cup of coffee with me and give me a call sometimes'

'I don't have your number anymore'

'I'll tekst you'

'Why now you could have done that ages ago but you didn't why?'

'Because i wanted to be sure' he said before getting up and leaving me. Not one minute later Tessa and Marcel came walking around the corner.

'How did it go' i asked trying not to sound all nervous.

'It went fine, our house is officially on the market now' Marcel said.

'Great news guys' i said. 'Is there something wrong Alex?' Tessa asked me obvious hearing my dissapointed tone. 'What about me Tessa where am i going to live?' i asked her. 'What do you mean you didn't think you could live for the rest of your life here did you?'

'No of course not but it isn't that long ago, and you are selling your house. I don't have money Tessa, i can't go anywhere i have to pay for my school and that is all the money i spend. If you really pulling this true i am ending on the streets again' i snapped. She sighed. 'I didn't think about that' she whispered. 'No you didn't' i said before walking out on them again.

I sat at this local bar where i sat almost every night just to do homework but not this night. I stared at my bourbon for most of the night just looking at it and sipping from my water. I have a lot of temptation just to drink it and another one and another one. Just to forget today and the feeling of being left alone all over again like that.

'And what are you doing here?' mister pretty eyes asked me from behind me holding his fancy jacket like he just finished at the office. 'It is 9 in the evening did you just finish up?' he nodded and sat beside me. 'What are you doing here?' i whispered.

'Getting a drink' he said. 'Why?' 'to celebrate a business deal going well care to celebrate with me?' he asked me. 'It's not going to end well if i am going to drink' i whispered. 'You take mine i'll stay with water' i said and he nodded.

'Why are you bothering to talk to me anyway, i am nothing special' i said. 'And that is were you are wrong, you are very special. So special you aren't even noticing it' he said.

'What is there to notice i am a mess, i don't have a proper job, not having a degree' i sighed. 'You have it all pretty eyes, every woman you possibly want, money to spent, obvious a beautiful home nothing to be worrying about if you ask me'.

He didn't say a thing after that but just sipped his drink.

'Tell me if i'm wrong' i said to him.

He downed his drink and ordered a new one. 'Where do you live now?'

'Living with my best friend and her boyfriend'

'Why not look for a place for your own?'

'If you haven't notice i am going to collage and i am working in this shitty diner with the shitty employer who goes all crazy when you call for coffee' this made him laugh.

'You are something special pretty eyes i'll give you that' i said and drank my water.

'I am not good at this' he admitted.

'Well neither am i, i have a past a really ugly one im starting to get my life straight and trying not to look like a total mess'

'You look outstanding if you ask me, that boy from your school can't take his eyes away from you'

'You did watch me does it bother you that he is looking at me in any way?'

'It does' he said looking me in the eye.

'Why are you so closed, i am telling you about myself and i don't know a thing about you why?'

'Like i said i am not good with these things'

'And like i care, i am not good with these things either but tell me something about yourself'

'Fine i like pretty woman' he said grinning at me and i knew then and there it was a lost cause he was or is playing me and i am falling for it. Big time.

'Alright pretty eyes, for me time to back out maybe i see you around'

'You absolutely will' he said and i walked out the door after paying my drink.

Time to face Tessa and Marcel but mostly Tessa. I just feel like she didn't think about me at all. She knew what i brought with me when she took me back in her home. She knew. I sighed and walked in.

'Thank god Alex where have you been i was so worried about you' she said and hugged my small bodyframe. 'I am so sorry about everything, i am sorry for not thinking about you but what about going back to your parents your father seemed happy about you being free'.

'Oh my god Tessa, did you just really propose that. You still want to move, you know what i rather live on the streets then live back in one house with my mother' i snapped at her and walked to my room. I slammed the door.

'Told you that she wasn't going to say yes or even like the idea, look Tessa i like your friend but i want our lives back. Just the two of us together without others being around' Marcel said and it hurts that they don't want me being here anymore. If been here just for two months and they are already sick of me. I sighed and moved from the door to my comfy bed.

Maybe i need another job then and maybe only maybe them i can pay for my own appartment. But i have to work my ass off and it is not going to be easy but who said it ever would?

Exactly no one.

I knew it would be hard and painfull. Maybe Jamie was right and i am not ready to dive in this new reality.

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