'Hello Drake, i'm Alex it's nice to meet you'

'Yeah same i was just walking to the introduction join me' he asked and maybe just maybe this was the perfect chance to meet some new people in here. And begin with a fresh start.

'Yes of course let's go' i said and we walked together. It has been a while when i last walked like this to a classroom.

'So what is it that you want to do with your education?'

'I want to give children hope, hope for a future and give them that future'

'That is deep, same here but i want to be just a doctor and cure all kind of people' he told me so proudly.

'That sounds amazing too, but my dream is just a little bit better' i laughed.

He laughed too and he is a very handsome young man. 'You are fun Alex, i can't wait for the classes to begin'.

'Same here' i said before we sat down and watched our teachers introduce themselves.

It was all very interesting but i just want to start my classes.

'Maybe i can get your number i would love to hang out with you out of the classroom' he asked me with a blush on his face and i don't know why but i felt frozen. Not by the question he asked no but because of pretty eyes staring at me.

How is he here? Why is he here? Does he know about me going to school here is that even possible? He gave Drake the cold stare and i tried to ignore him. 'Yes Drake i would love that' i said and gave him my number.

'Is that your phone?'he asked curious. 'Oh yes why?'

'It's a bit old don't you think?'

'No i don't think some don't have money for fancy phones or clothes' i snapped.

'Sorry i didn't mean to insult you'

'It's alright sore subject don't worry what is next on the program?' i asked to push away this sore subject.

'It's a reading from mister Ashcroft himself how cool is that. Everyone want to be him. He is rich and has his own imperium'.

'But what is this reading about we are going to study medicine'

'Maybe how he got it on his own?'

And that is what is was about. He was talking and looking at me all the time. Why is he doing this? Like he is watching me all the time. I am so glad that reading was over so soon.

'Alexandra' the man asked me and Drake was a little overwhelmed about him knowing me. 'Can we have a minute' he asked the boy out of the cold.

'Can you be less rude thank you' i snapped at him what suprised him obvious.

'Snappy i love it' he grinned. 'WHy are you here? Are you watching me or something i don't want anything to do with you alright just leave me the hell alone' i snapped.


'Why what?'

'Why don't you want it or me?'

'Why should i, you are treating me like every other woman. The woman that is suppose to know you and you treat me just like them. Them who jump right in bed with you and i'm not that kind of girl' i snapped.

'Why didn't you call'?

'Really i tell you that i am not like that and you ask me no has the nerve to ask me why i didn't call? I tell you this i didn't call because i didn't have a freaking phone alright and you leave me alone right this moment. I don't care about you being rich or having it all. I just need my life back and you can't be part of that routine' i snapped and stormed out of the room.

Stupid mister pretty eyes.

Stupid feelings for the man i barely know.

Stupid feeling for the man everyone warns me for.

When i got home Tessa was waiting for me so nervously.

'So how was it? How is your class and your roommates?'

'It's amazing, the people are nice and all and yes i think i am going to have the perfect time there' i said to her

'That is so great, i am so happy for you. And i'm sorry that we couldn't go to the storage earlier. I was so buzy just like Marcel'.

'Don't worry about it we can go now right?'

'Yes of course we can go get your stuff ready' i nodded and we hopped in her car to go to the storage lockers.

By the time we got there it was dark outside. It wasn't hard to find the locker it was right next to the parkinglot.

'Alright here we go' i sighed and opened it with the key i got from my parents. When i opened it i saw tons of memories. It was like they just moved and placed all the furniture just like how it was back home. I just walked in my room. They just left it like this.

'It's just like how it was back at you're house' Tessa said.

'I know right' i said to her and walked in. I looked in my dresser and saw all my old make up and my secret stash of pot just laying there. 'Please throw it away' i asked Tessa and gave her the little bag with drugs. She looked alarmed to me.

'No i'm fine just as long you throw it away' i said and she nodded.

I didn't want to look around anymore. There were too many memories here for me. From my old life.

I got the suitcase i brought with me and threw all the clothes in there. Clothes that were probebly too big for me but anyway i threw it in there. Just like my favorite books and my old laptop with the battery. Hoping it wouldn't be broken.

'Got everything?' i nodded and threw the suitcase in the car.

'Let's go' i said and we drove off but not before noticing this black BMW standing there around the corner watching us.

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