Ch. 28

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"Why do you have a werewolf pup in your arms, Paige? Is it yours?" Kyle asked her as Sasha looked up at Paige with a small smile. Paige smiled but shook her head.

"It's not mine, Kyle. We found it a few feet away from its mother..." Paige drifted off as she finished her sentence. Kyle looked over at Brendon who looked sad in his eyes but didn't want to show his emotion at all. Sasha walked up to Paige as she touched her shoulder. Paige began to cry because she didn't know how to explain to the pup or to the group that she saw its mother get killed by a Giant's child. Sasha hugged Paige and whispered in her ear.

"You can tell me, Paige. It's gonna be alright." Sasha said in a low whisper so only Paige and he could hear. Kyle was getting upset because he didn't want her to be keeping secrets from him at this point. Brendon collapsed on the floor with tears but Kyle and Brett saw that no one else was crying or hardly sad. Sasha touched the pup and the pup brought her to the past when its mother was alive until the mother died.

It was a terrible sight; it felt like she was there when the Giant's child was running toward them. Its mother tried so hard not to let her young pup get hurt or killed. They were running away from the child but not fast enough because the giant child stepped on its mother like a twig and her back broke as she heard it snap into two places. Sasha saw Paige on the other side of the field next to a tree, leaning against it to keep her on her feet. Sasha's vision returned back in the cottage and she already had tears streaming down her face like a waterfall. Kyle came up to Sasha and wiped her tears. No one knew what was going on but they didn't need to know about it either. Sasha buried her face into Kyle's chest and bawled her eyes out. Kyle rubbed her back as the pup began to whine. Paige rocked her back and forth to calm her down.

"What happened, baby? You can tell me anything." Kyle said to Sasha and she shook her head.

"It's not my place to tell you, babe. I'm sorry." Sasha said with a weak voice. Kyle kept rubbing her back and looked over at Paige who was trying to help Brendon up onto his feet. Elizabeth looked at Brett and a smile appeared on her face for the first time. Sasha removed herself from Kyle's warm embrace. She sensed a griffon present outside and could tell that it was Dylan near the cottage.

"Dylan is here. I can sense him." Sasha said and everyone looked at her like she was really crazy. Kyle nodded his head as he showed everyone that he believed her. Brett checked the window and saw a golden-brownish griffon outside. Sure enough, it was Dylan Short outside the cottage. Brett looked back at Sasha.

"How did you know it was him?" Brett asked as everyone stared at her besides Kyle.

"It's a werewolf sense. I figured Paige and Brendon would be able to pick up his sense and knew who it was but I guess I was wrong." Sasha said as she looked down at the floor. Dylan walked in with worry all over his face.

"Sorry but we don't have time to have a reunion party. We got to get out of here like now." Dylan said to everyone.

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