Ch. 11

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"Guard, get him out of here." Annie said to the guardian but as he was walking out with Dmitri, Sasha had to speak up to save her lost best friend.

"No, let him go. He's my old best friend." Sasha said to the guardian. Everyone but Sophia and Annie gasped.

"Why in the world, would I let that happen?" Annie asked Sasha as she closed the huge binder and looked at Sasha.

"Dmitri is my old best friend and I believe he can change his ways. I know that he can change." Sasha said to everyone in the room. Dmitri's face lit up like the sun because he completely understood what Sasha was trying to do. She was trying to save his life and he knew that Sasha knew a lot about him better than anyone else.

"Fine. Guard, let him go." Annie said to the guardian as he let go of Dmitri. Dmitri ran over to Sasha and hugged her. He wasn't an ugly demon. He was really cute and Paige began to fall in love with Dmitri but little did she know he only had strong feelings for Sasha.

Dmitri had short black hair, icy blue eyes, a smile that could make anyone smile, and he was about 5'9. He was wearing a black Metallica shirt with old denim blue jeans. Dmitri could pass off as a rock star by the way he dresses up in black t-shirts and old denim blue jeans.

"Thank you, Sasha. I owe you big time." Dmitri said to Sasha as he took a step backwards. Sasha sighed as she looked at Dmitri.

"It's no big deal, Dimi. I wanted to help you out. Why were you spying on us? Are you working for the council?" Sasha asked Dmitri. She wanted to find out more information before she judged him for trying to get her killed.

"I was spying because I overheard the council talking about an angel werewolf and that it was heading up north. So, I wanted to see who the angel werewolf was. I didn't know it was going to be you. I found that out a while ago once you started speaking the angel language because I already knew that you were a werewolf from childhood memories. I don't really work for the council. I'm a pile of dragon crap to them. So, I left and came to find my childhood best friend because I know you wouldn't mistreat me." Dmitri said to Sasha. She blushed and Brett had to speak up.

"Okay, now that we have a demon on our hands and they are known to be backstabbers. What are we supposed to do, now? Just let him join us on our journey?" Brett asked as Paige had her own opinion to say to everybody.

"We let him come but keep a close eye on him. We can't let him sneak off. No one knows what he could do once he is away from us." Paige said and everyone nodded. Sasha looked disappointed when Dmitri looked at her.

"Well, I trust him a complete hundred percent; even if you guys don't. He's my best friend and I can't abandon him for any reason; even if he is a demon. I'm sorry but I'm sticking with him no matter what. Kyle isn't the only one that I care about." Sasha said and everybody just looked at her like she was crazy. She knew that she was crazy but this was her choice to have Dmitri.

"I agree with Sasha. We could trust him. I mean, I know I could completely trust him with my heart." Paige said with a little flirt in her voice but only Sasha and Dmitri figured out that she was falling hard for him. Dmitri looked like he was somewhat cool with it but Sasha couldn't believe what Paige said after she said that they had to pay close attention to him. A light bulb went off in Sasha's head; Paige was hitting on Dmitri ever since she laid her eyes on him.

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