Ch. 24

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"Oh and by the way, we can hear what you are thinking." the king said as he appeared on the stairs. Dmitri looked at him in disgust then the king vanished.

"What the heck? Where did he go?" said Dmitri as the guard walked away from his cell. Dmitri grabbed the chains again and the guard looked over his shoulder.

"I wouldn't do that, if I was you." said the guard but Dmitri ignored him. All at once, Dmitri almost broke the chains but he got shocked by electricity, cursed, and gave up as the chains mended back to their regular condition. The guard laughed as he heard the electrical volt shock.

"SHUT UP!" Dmitri yelled at the guard as he fist punched the concrete wall and held his hand.

"You are so full of stupidity. No wonder why you don't have a committed relationship." the guard said with laughter afterwards. Dmitri was about to bash his head against the wall when he heard a voice.

"Don't do that, you have a rule to play in the council's plan. Don't give up now, you have come a long way to end it all now." the voice said as Dmitri looked around like a moron. The guard shook his head as he watched the dumb idiot make a fool of himself amd chuckled. Dmitri looked at the guard with a questionable look.

"Did you hear that?" Dmitri asked and the guard as he grabbed a hold of the cell bars.

"Hear what? I didn't hear anything." the guard said as he shook his head.


"I sent the picture to the Guardian King's dungeon guard. I should say that I sent it to your uncle's dungeon guard." Brett said as Kyle hugged Sasha. She smiled at him with joy and happiness as Anwen kissed Brett's neck. Brett handed the communication device back to Kyle.

"Alright, hopefully Dmitri can get it through his head that he can't steal my love away and get away with it." Kyle said as he kissed Sasha's cheek.

"Yeah, hopefully." Brett said as Sasha's cheeks turned bright red. Kyle smiled and held her close to him. Anwen crossed her arms and Brett wrapped his arms around her as he pulled her to him.

"Where do we go from here? We still don't have enough witnesses to go up against the council." Sasha said as she looked up at Kyle.

"We need to go ask the Elf king and queen to see if they will help." Kyle said as Brett clapped his hands and everyone stared at him.

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