Ch. 13

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On their journey to the elf kingdom, Kyle kept a close eye on Dmitri because he didn't want to compete for Sasha's heart. Sasha kept glancing over at Anwen trying to figure out why Kyle would have any interest in her and why he would have brought her along for the dangerous journey.

'Is she Kyle's wife that I never knew about from his personal life/past?' Sasha was thinking as Dmitri nudged her arm. Sasha looked at him and smiled to see that he got to finally reunite with her.

"Sash, there's something that I have wanted to ask you." Dmitri said to her. Sasha took his hand and continued walking behind Brett. Kyle overheard what Dmitri said and wanted to break a large branch of one of the trees.

"What's that, Dimi?" Sasha asked with flirt in her voice. She landed a kiss on Dmitri's cheek and smiled as she looked at him. Kyle was over his head full with jealousy that he decided to go up to Anwen and pick her up in his arms. Sasha did notice but it wasn't enough to make her care a whole lot. She was lost in her own little world with Dmitri.

"Sash, I was wondering if you still had serious feelings for me. If you don't than that's fine." Dmitri said to her. Once Kyle heard what Dmitri said; he stopped dead in his tracks. Sasha stopped walking to look directly into Dmitri's eyes. She saw that he didn't want anyone but her and that it would stay that way forever. She looked over at Kyle who was staring at them. She knew that it was time to accept the fact that Kyle was falling in love with Anwen now. So she decided to be completely honest to Dmitri when she gave him her answer.

"Dimi, you know that you are my first love. Nothing can change that. Kyle; well, he found himself a mate and I could never get over you. You've helped me escape from my living nightmare of a home when I was eight. You taught me that no one can hold us back. The last time we snuck out of my house was two days before you had to leave. We went to the creek at midnight, went swimming, and that's when you told me the bad news. So that's when I kissed you because I would always love you and that I knew that I probably should have done it before that night but didn't have the courage to do it." Sasha said to Dmitri. Kyle's world went crashing to the ground and shattered into a billion pieces. Kyle was really hurt but he didn't want to show it. So, he just walked away.

"Aw, Sash. I really do want to be with you." Dmitri said as he held her in his arms and they continued on their way with the rest of the group to the elf kingdom.

"I know that you do, Dimi. It's not a secret to me." Sasha said as he smiled at her.

 "You know me so well, Sash. I don't know what I'd do without you." Dmitri said to Sasha. Brett stopped dead in his tracks and told everyone to be quiet. Dmitri recognized the sound that Brett was hearing.

"It's a black dragon, Brett. There's a black dragon coming right at us. Probably has a dark angel on its back." Dmitri said as he felt the ground. Brett looked at Dmitri in surprise.

"Good job, Dmitri. You are right; but the question is, why is it running towards us and not flying in the air?" Brett asked as Dmitri tried to get Sasha behind a tree to hide.

The noise was getting louder and Dmitri was starting to worry about losing Sasha now. Everybody stood their ground until they came face to face with the black dragon. No one knew what was going to happen once the dragon came into view. Sasha was scared as Dmitri stood by her but visible to the eye of the dragon.

"I don't know but it's getting closer to us." Anwen said as Dmitri nodded in agreement. Kyle looked over at Sasha. She was so scared that she had to cling on to a tree to stop her from shaking because she was shaking so badly. Dmitri looked over at Kyle and saw that he had tears in his eyes. Dmitri saw Sasha as he went to hold her; the dragon came into view.

"Everything will be alright, Sash; I promise." Dmitri said to her and she nodded but kept quiet so the dragon wouldn't hear her. Brett took one step forward and the dragon stopped walking.

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