Ch. 9

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Sasha nudged Kyle and he looked at her. Kyle knew that she was worried about him but he didn't want her to worry. He pulled her close to him.

"I'm fine; don't worry too much." Kyle said to Sasha. She nodded and went on her way but stayed close to Kyle. She held his hand and Brett looked back at them. He scolded them and looked back in front of him.

"We should arrive at the ghost bridge any minute now." Paige said to everyone. Vivien looked at her with confusion.

"What? I know my way around the forest. I'm a werewolf, remember?"  Paige said to Vivien but she still looked confused until she almost ran into an angel guard. Brett grabbed Vivien's arm just in time to move her out of the way before she walked into the guard.

"I saw him, you know. So, you didn't have to move me out of the way. I'm not trespassing on their territory. It's the spies who have been spying on us." Vivien said to Brett but Brett wasn't paying attention because he fell in love with an angel. She had short light brownish red hair, blue eyes, and she was wearing a black skirt that went down to her knees with a hot pink t-shirt. She was staring directly at Brett and walked into a guard without noticing him.

"Watch it, Sophia; you could have knocked me on the ground and lose focus on the surrounding area." the guardian said to her.

"Lo siento."  Sophia said to the guardian. Sasha whispered to Brendon that Sophia told the guardian that she was sorry, so he wouldn't be completely confused like everyone else. Brett overheard Sasha's whisper and took it as a greeting to walk up to Sophia. Brett walked up and touched Sophia's shoulder with his palm.

"¿Quién eres?" Sophia asked Brett but he didn't understand a word that she said to him and then Sophia realized that he didn't speak Spanish once Sasha told him in English what she said.

"Brett, she asked "who are you?" in Spanish." Sasha said to Brett and he mentally slapped himself in the face.

"Sasha, how do I say my name in Spanish?" Brett asked Sasha. She crossed her arms and stood her ground.

"If I tell you that, then she will know your name." Sasha told him. Sophia finally knew that he didn't speak Spanish.       

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that you guys spoke Spanish." Sophia said in English, "¿Quién eres?" she asked as she pointed at Sasha.

"Me llama Sasha; Yo tengo los hombres lobo de ángel." Sasha said to Sophia. Nobody knew what was being said at this point.

"Alright, you guys follow me into this room." Sophia said as she walked to a room that was a couple feet away from them.

"Tell me why you are here. I know this isn't some type of trick, right? What are you guys playing at?" Sophia asked them.

"We only come in peace and to ask if you guys will agree to help us with the council. We aren't messing with your heads because Sasha is an angel werewolf, no matter how you love to disagree." Paige said to Sophia.

"Let me get our head mistress of the tower, Annie. She will decide if we help you or not." Sophia said as she got a guard to receive the head mistress.

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