Ch. 25

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"We will after we have your wedding. We need a great big celebration." Brett said as Anwen hopped up and down.

"I know what just to do." Anwen said with excitement. There was a loud knock on the door with a commotion behind it. No one wanted to see who it was. Kyle got the courage and opened the door. He was shocked to see a satyr and an elf standing before him. It was John Peters and his wife.

"See my dear, I told you that this was the right cottage." John said as his wife rolled her eyes at him.

"I'm sorry for my husband's craziness. He thinks this is where the angel werewolf is at." John's wife said to the group as Sasha stood up and reached her hand out to John's wife to shake hands.

"I'm the angel werewolf that John has been talking about." Sasha as his wife's eyes got wide and she looked at John.

"I told you that I met an angel werewolf and you didn't believe me." John said as he crossed his arms and looked at her with disappointment.

"I'm sorry, honey but you know that they are extinct. I didn't know for a specific reason. I'm Alexa Peters, John's wife by the way." Alexa said, "We met the day before the council banished any angel werewolves from the land." Kyle walked up to Sasha and put her in his arms.


"That voice." Dmitri said as he tried to break the chains again and the guard crossed his arms.

"I heard no voice, you fool. You know what happened to you a while ago. I don't think you want to get shocked by electricity again," the guard said to him. Dmitri let go of the chains and fell on the ground with his head in his hands.

"Dude, look; I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." the guard said as Dmitri looked up at him with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"You did nothing wrong. I hate being a part of the council. I hate everything about it. I wish they would keep out of my personal life and my past. What I do or did isn't any of their business." Dmitri said as he wiped his tears and held it close to him.

"You are one dumb fool. You shouldn't have punched the ground as hard as you just did. You might have broken your wrist." the guard said as he laughed at Dmitri. Dmitri shook his head in pain and in disagreement. His hand throbbed in pain as he touched it.

"I don't care. I'm better off being dead than being a pawn in the council's plan to lure Sasha to the hopeless immortal time-traveling satyr's house along with his worthless immortal angel elf of a wife. She can't do anything right when it comes to telling if her husband is telling the truth or not. They aren't the best couple in the land to be together the way that they are. They argue nonstop about what's the truth or a lie. The council should be waiting to ambush the group at the house." Dmitri said as the guard caught the confession of the plan on a recorder and sent it to Kyle to hear it before they go anywhere close to John's house. The king reappeared on the stairs as he stared at Dmitri.

"Thank you for your confession. Now we know where to lead Kyle and his group. Oh and they heard every single word that you said; especially Sasha. What will she think of you now?" the king asked as Dmitri kept crying.

"I did nothing! You leave Sasha out of this! It doesn't involve her. They care less about the last angel werewolf. It's the fact that a demon can't be in love with an angel werewolf, let alone mate with one. It's against the council rules. If the demon gets an angel werewolf pregnant, then bad things could happen. It could over-throw the council and out populate all the other species on the land. Demon angel werewolves are chaos and have the ability to condemn witchcraft better than witches, which is really bad." Dmitri said to the king.

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