Ch. 5

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Sasha led Kyle out of her room into the burning hallway. There were flames everywhere and she didn't want to lose him in the fire. She looked back at him with frighten all over her face. Kyle was scared and didn't know what to think.

"Stay with me, Sasha. I don't want to lose you in this fire. Just keep running to an exit. We need to get outside." Kyle said to her and she nodded.  There was a hole in the floor about a foot in diameter. Kyle motioned Sasha to jump across.

"But I don't think I can make it." Sasha said to him as she stared at him. She was scared out of her mind. The hole was gradually getting bigger by the second.

"Sasha, sweetie, you have to jump now or we will never get out of here. I don't want to die in a house fire, please Sasha." Kyle begged her with pleading eyes. She caved in, closed her eyes and jumped across. She turned around to see if Kyle was able to make it across the fire burning hole. He jumped and formed into a werewolf. He picked her up with his mouth & placed her on his back.

They made it to the stairs which the fire beat them to it. Kyle lowered his head and saw how they could make it to the kitchen. He jumped down the flight of stairs and landed on his feet. Sasha kept her eyes closed and held him tight the whole time. She didn't bother opening her eyes. Kyle ran into the living room and there were wooden barriers falling from the ceiling.

He dodged every single one of them reaching the kitchen. When they reached the kitchen was when Sasha decided to open her eyes. Everything was on fire. She got off Kyle's back and looked around her. Kyle formed into a human and grabbed her hand trying to get her to budge towards the door.

"Sasha, we have to get out now. The whole house is gonna fall on top of us if we don't get out of here now." Kyle said to her and she finally moved towards the door.

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