Ch. 6

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Kyle looked at her like nothing mattered to her or she didn't care if anything would be gone forever. They reached the back door and opened it just in time because the whole top of the house was ready to collapse. They ran into the woods behind the house and looked back just in time to watch the house collapse to the ground.

"You didn't want to save anything?" Kyle asked Sasha. She looked at him but didn't answer right away and he looked into her eyes. She hoped that he could tell what she was trying to say to him by reading her eyes and facial expression written on her face. Kyle pulled Sasha close to him so he could hold her.

"Why does this have to happen to me? I'm just like anyone else here. What makes me so different?" Sasha asked and buried her face in Kyle's chest. He held her close and kissed her forehead.

"I don't know, Sasha. I just don't know. I'm gonna have to do some research." Kyle told her. Sasha stayed quiet for the next twenty minutes or so.

"Were you sure you didn't want to grab anything to save?" Kyle asked her. Sasha looked up at him.

"I only wanted to save you, Kyle. I didn't care if any of the things in the house were gone. I hated my life until you came into it. I know I'm gonna get bitched at for not calling the fire department; but I don't really care. She was never there for me and always took my stepfather's side when he started to argue with me. You're the only person I really care about." Sasha said to Kyle.

Now Kyle knew that Sasha felt something for him. He caressed her face in his hands and looked at her. She couldn't resist anymore. She leaned in close to his face and kissed those firm lips of his. He didn't hesitate or struggle; he just kissed her back. Then they heard a sound to the east of them.

"Stand back behind me, I'll protect you." Kyle said as he moved Sasha behind his back. The noise didn't sound like a dark angel or a dragon; but it kept getting closer. Along came two werewolves, three vampires, and a griffon. The one werewolf was white while the other one was brown. The white werewolf phased into its human form.

"Hey Kyle, we heard that you were in trouble with the council." he said. Kyle realized that it was Brendon.

"Yeah we are, Brendon." Kyle said as the brown one phased into its human form and it turned out that it was Paige.

"Let us help you, then." one of the vampires said as he stepped into view. It was Brett and he brought a couple of his friends with him.

"Who are your friends, Brett? I don't believe I met them before." Kyle said to Brett. A vampire walked out beside Brett. She had long blonde hair, looked tough but had some dumb blonde moments, had brown eyes, and scars all over her arms & face. She looked like she was 'bout ready to hurt someone particularly it looked like she was gonna hurt either Sasha or Paige. Kyle could realize that Elizabeth didn't like werewolves that well.

"This is Elizabeth; she can get hot-tempered if you start talking shit about her or about any of her friends then she will get pissed." Brett said as Elizabeth stared at Sasha giving her the death stare.

"I didn't know you had an angel werewolf with you, Kyle." Elizabeth said to him but kept her gaze directly on Sasha. Kyle stepped in front of Sasha making Elizabeth stop giving her the death stare.

"You have no business with her, Elizabeth. No one is going to kill her. I love her with all my heart and no one can take her away from me." Kyle said as the third vampire spoke his mind.

"There's no need to be feisty, my friend. We just want to help keep her safe from the council. You know what they will do if they get their hands on her." he said. Kyle recognized the voice but couldn't remember who his name was.

"Yes indeed, Zach. Kyle, he's right. The council is gonna rip her to shreds once they get her in their grasp. All we can do is try to convince them because we are witnesses to prove that she doesn't have to die." Paige said. Kyle looked at her and then turned around to see Sasha. Sasha had a frightened look on her face.

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