Ch. 10

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Annie walked into the room with a huge binder full of papers. Brett stared at her with confusion. Sophia walked over to Annie and whispered something in Spanish, which only angels understand the language of Spain. Sasha recognized the sentence that Sophia said but it took a while to comprehend it. Once Annie was by one of the desk, they were facing each other.

"Now what I have here is a binder filled with pros and cons of a lot of things. I found a few to tell you in case we do agree to help you with the council." Annie said as she set the binder on the desk and opened it up to find the pros and cons in the binder. Everyone was staying around the room while Sasha was mentally changing the Spanish into English. Sophia realized what Sophia said. The sentence was "El consejo va a matar al ultimo de los hombres lobo especie de ángel."  Sasha got the translation, "The council is going to kill the last of the angel werewolf species."

"I know what you said to Annie, Sophia." Sasha said to her and everyone stared at Sasha with amusement or confusion. Sasha looked at Annie and Sophia.

"How do you know our own language?" Annie asked Sasha with concern in her question.

"Mi madre es un ángel. Ella me enseño español." Sasha replied to Annie's question.

"Yo no comprendo; I thought that werewolves can't speak Spanish let alone any other foreign language on this planet." Annie said and Sasha stepped forward.

"That's because I'm not just a werewolf; yo soy un hombre lobo ángel." Sasha said and everyone didn't know what was being said other than Annie, Sophia, and Sasha.

"I guess we have no pros or cons against this anymore. We have to help Sasha now or everyone will probably learn our idioma." Annie said but only a few people understood the Spanish word for language in Spanish.

  "She said language in Spanish." Sasha said so everyone knew that one and only word.

"You're right, we have to help them now." the only other angel spoke up. His name was Craig. Sasha wished Kyle was here because things were getting out of control without him there and she was missing him.

"Nosotros tenemos que conocer el plan de Consejo." Craig said as everyone in the group was getting really confused again. Sasha had to translate the Spanish into English.

 "We have to find out about the Council's plan." Sasha said. Everyone was nodding in agreement. One of the guardians barged into the room with someone in his grip.

"Annie, I caught this felon roaming the tower. Is he with this group?" the guardian asked and Brett & Vivien shook their heads.

"I never saw this guy in my life until I saw him spying on us on our journey up here." Paige said to Annie.

"Guard, throw him down into the dungeon. Once this situation with the council is solved, then we will execute him by cutting off his little demon head." Annie said to the guardian and the demon quivered in fear. As the guardian started to walk out of the room; the demon had to speak up.

"Why? Don't you need me for the whole situation? I can help you, you know. I know their plan, the council. They just love to use me, so now I want to use them. Set them up just like they did to me. I want sweet revenge on the council. By the way, the name is Dmitri." the demon said as Sasha recognized the voice.

"Hace dos dias me estaba siguiendo." Sasha said to the angels. Sasha stared at Dmitri as she recalled seeing him spying on her with her every move.

"¿En serio?" Annie asked Sasha but Sasha never left her gaze on Dmitri. He looked familiar to her but couldn't remember when or where she met him before today. Then it hit Sasha; he was her old best friend when they were growing up. She was seven years old while Dmitri was eight years old. He looked at her with begging eyes. He wanted to be saved and he wanted Sasha to save him. But little did he know that Sasha just now realized who he was from her childhood.

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