Ch. 2

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After about half an hour later, Sasha was ready to give up but she heard something heading towards her. The noise was getting louder and louder. She got on her feet and started walking backwards slowly. It jumped out right on top of her and she didn't have the time to react.

'Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha.' Kyle thought as he got off her. She looked to her right to find Kyle. She phased into her human form.

"What the hell, Kyle! You scared the shit out of me!" she shouted at him. Kyle whined as he looked at the ground. She ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry, Kyle. I was a wreck when you left." she added and Kyle nudged her with his head. She walked back and he phased back to his human form. He put her in his arms and she laid her head on his shoulder.

"It's fine. I shouldn't have left. Let's get you back in your bed." Kyle said as he motioned her to get on his back. She hopped on and he climbed up the tree to get to her bedroom window. They climbed in the room and walked over to her bed.

"Why?" she asked as she got off his back and looked at him. He was looking at everything in her room. He averted his attention back to her.

"So, you can get some sleep. You have a long night ahead of you." he responded as he touched her face. Sasha leaned close and kissed him. Kyle had a late reaction of what was going on but he finally realized and kissed her back. Sasha sighed as she pulled away from his lips.

"Good night, Kyle. I'll see you later." she said as she practically kicked him out on purpose because she didn't want to get too comfortable with him yet.

"Good night, Sasha. Sweet dreams and I'll see you later." Kyle said as he gave her one final kiss. With that, he jumped out her window and she sighed as she fell on her bed. Within mere seconds, she fell asleep.

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