Ch. 14

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"Who's there?" the dragon said and everyone stayed still but Brett had to say something to it. He took a couple steps forward so the dragon could see him better.

"My name is Brett. What's your name, dragon?" Brett asked the dragon. Dmitri grabbed Sasha's hand to try to calm her down a little.

"My name is Melissa, sir. Are you the one who is trying to help the troubled, endangered one?" Melissa asked Brett.

"Why do you want to know?" Brett asked as he crossed his arms. Anwen went behind a bush to be unrecognized. Kyle kept looking at Sasha. He had sorrow in his eyes.

"I was asking because my master is looking for her. I don't mean any harm." Melissa said to Brett.

"I'm sorry, but no I'm not. I'm going to help my grandmother that lives along the big river up north. Tell your master that her group is leading her towards the ghost cemetery by the Colorado River." Brett said and Sasha was shaking really badly. Dmitri looked at Brett like he lost his mind. Melissa nodded and went on her way. Brett turned around as Dmitri ran up to him.

"Are you out of your mind? You almost gave us away! Let alone try to be friendly with a council member! Are you trying to get us killed?" Dmitri said as he punched Brett's shoulder. Kyle walked over to Sasha and held her in his arms. Dmitri turned around as Brett punched him in the face and saw Kyle with Sasha. He got more pissed and stormed off into the forest. Sasha pushed Kyle away from her and ran off towards Dmitri.

"Good job, Brett. You tore our group apart." Kyle said as he punched the tree real hard. Sash reached Dmitri and scared the crap out of him by giving him a hug.

"Holy crap, Sash; don't scare me like that. I should have never walked away from you. I just got upset and didn't think what I was doing. I'm so very sorry." Dmitri said and started crying. Sasha put Dmitri in her arms and pulled him close to her.

"It's alright, Dimi; I promise that it is." Sasha said to him with a soothing voice. She kissed him like she meant it and held him tight. She wasn't going to let this relationship go down the drain. Dmitri looked at her with tear stains on his cheeks and had sorrow in his eyes.

"Sash, after seeing him all over you, I don't know what to believe or think." Dmitri said. She wasn't backing down without a fight.

"Dimi, if you stayed for the rest of it; you would have been less hurt." Sasha said as she sighed, "By the way, I shoved him off me into the tree. If that makes you feel any better." she finished then she turned away.

"Sash, please don't go." Dmitri said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms. Just as he was about to kiss her, a werewolf jumped out of nowhere. Sasha realized that it was Kyle. She stepped forward.

"Kyle, no backing down; you don't want to hurt anyone." Sasha said as Dmitri tried to get her closer to him so he could protect her. Kyle had mixed emotions going on in his mind and didn't know if he could believe what she said or what she was doing. He transformed back into his human self.

"You stay out of this, Sasha. This isn't about you!" Kyle shouted at her. She stood her ground.

"Well, isn't it? I mean come on, Kyle. You got jealous when you first saw me with him. The way he kisses me, our past, on our way here, in this group. You tried to get me jealous by picking up Anwen in your arms. It didn't affect me in any way. Dmitri will always be there for me and not trying to impress other girls. I guess that's what jealousy is called." Sasha said as she walked back to Dmitri, kissed him on the lips, grabbed his hand, and walked out of Kyle's view.

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