Ch. 8

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It was a long journey for them especially with spies all over the forest to watch them for the council. Sasha looked around as they walked and spotted a demon hiding behind a tree. It was following them and eavesdropping on their conversations. She acknowledged the spying demon but kept her mouth closed. She looked around to find more spies hiding behind trees, in the sky, or in the trees spying on them. She didn't say a word about it but it took close to six miles for Kyle to realize what she was looking at amongst them.

He saw a demon poltergeist, possessed elf, demon dwarf, and the demon that Sasha first saw. It took him awhile to put the puzzle pieces together to figure out what they were doing. He showed Paige the few spies that he had found and she ran up ahead to stop the group to go any farther.

"Stop, we are being spied on!" Paige said with motioning arms to make sure that they stopped walking. Brett looked at her confused while Vivien used the knowledge to look around the surroundings. She swathe possessed elf in a bush that was halfway dead. The demon poltergeist was riding on a black dragon in the sky above them. The demon dwarf was behind a tree that was seven feet away from them. The demon was hidden in a branch of leaves up in the tree.

"We need to move fast." Vivien said as she rushed past Paige; with everyone confused, they followed behind quickly as they could to reach the angel tower. Sasha still glanced around to see if there were any other spies but only when Kyle wasn't keeping an eye on her. He caught her facial expression while they were walking.

"What's wrong, Sasha? Is there something bugging the shit outta you?" Kyle asked in her ear. She turned her head to look at him. She didn't know how to respond to everything going on but by the way she showed it in her eyes; Kyle knew what was happening. She was frightened, scared, confused, and mixed emotional all at the same time. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"It will be alright, Sasha. I promise that it will. I won't let anything happen to you. Do you know why?" Kyle whispered to her. She shook her head "no". She kept her gaze on her surroundings not on Kyle. She didn't want him to see her worry a lot especially since Kyle didn't know about her depression.

Her depression status was severe and she didn't want anyone to know about it yet. Nothing mattered to her but Kyle and to be safe from the evil council. She knew that once Kyle found out about her depression that he would seek help and that he would abandon her like her mother did when she married the griffon. Sasha was so out of it that she accidentally walked right into Elizabeth.

"I'm so sorry."  Sasha said to Elizabeth as she turned around to punch Sasha in the face. Kyle stepped in to take the hit and punched Elizabeth back.

"No fighting is allowed in this group. You don't want the spies to think we are weak for fighting with each other, do you?" Brett said as he stepped in between Kyle and Elizabeth. They shook their heads and kept walking. Sasha looked at Kyle with concern because Elizabeth punched him in the place where he could end up with a black eye or two.

Kyle looked like he shrugged it off and passed him. Sasha knew that he was mentally crying  and whining in his werewolf form. Kyle was hiding from everyone because werewolves are supposed to be strong but when they are in their own pack of their own kind that's when they could whine all they want.

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