Ch. 21

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It's not what it looked like, Dmitri, I promise." Kyle said as he took a step forward and Dmitri took a step backwards but there was a knight behind him.

"Don't come near me." Dmitri said as he held his hand to motion Kyle to stop walking. Kyle stayed put and crossed his arms.

"Whatever, I know you and Sasha aren't officially engaged. She finally confessed to Brett after your arrest. So, don't you try lie to me about it." Kyle said as he waited to see how Dmitri would react to his response.

"You never gave her a ring. I was there with you guys in the forest. I have evidence, so don't try to tell me otherwise." Kyle said as he turned around from him. Dmitri sighed in defeat.

"You're right, she doesn't love me. She loves you and I tried to change her mind to love me but it didn't really work. You already had her heart. I destroyed it. I saw it collapse right in front of me today when I was getting arrested. I never felt so guilty in my life until now." Dmitri said and Kyle saw it very clear now. Dmitri loved her very much but he knew that he could never have her love because it belonged to Kyle and only him. Kyle looked back at him.

"I'm sorry, Dmitri; I went at this in a different way." Kyle said as he walked away. Dmitri wanted to say something but didn't want to push his luck. Kyle transformed into a werewolf and howled at the wind, hoping Sasha could hear him, even if they were miles apart.

The king ordered the knights to chain Dmitri in the dungeon while he attended the conference with the pirates debating what to do with the council's obligation to the last angel werewolf. The knights shoved Dmitri to the door and Kyle didn't look back to see what was going to happen to Dmitri. Kyle ran out the door as the king turned around.

"Nephew, where are you going? We have a meeting to attend!" yelled the king.

"No, you have a meeting to attend, uncle. I have to save my love from harming herself again. She knew better than to show Dmitri her scars. He didn't respect her in anyway. Dmitri never wanted her to love him. It was part of the council's plan all along. I got to go, uncle. I need you to believe in me." Kyle said as he looked back and his uncle nodded in agreement.

"I do believe in you, Kyle." said the king as Kyle ran off out of the king's sight. The king went to the conference room. Kyle ran as fast as he could to reach Sasha and the others.

He knew that they would be at the Elf Kingdom or close anyways. Just as he reached the waterfall, he saw Brett carrying Sasha. Kyle watched her phase into a human and was unconscious. Anwen was trotting right beside Brett as they entered the Elf Kingdom. Kyle was blaming himself for leaving her when he knew about Dmitri's plan. He wanted to rush up to her and see if she could wake up but he decided to wait for a while.


Brett looked up at the hill and saw a werewolf. He smiled because he knew that it was Kyle. Anwen went up to the guard and introduced Brett and Sasha. Brett couldn't understand a single word because they were speaking French. He shook his head and looked down at Sasha. She was still unconscious but she was breathing, so she wasn't dead. Anwen looked at Brett and nodded her head.

"It's alright, we can go in." Anwen said and Brett sighed because Sasha was getting heavy and he wished Kyle would come down there and take her. He looked back up at the hill and saw nothing. Kyle was gone and Brett shook his head again but he knew it wasn't time for Kyle to come around. They went into the kingdom and Anwen led him to her cottage.

"You can lay her on my bed." said Anwen as she pointed to the bed over by the fireplace. Brett nodded as he laid Sasha on the bed and covered her with a blanket. There was a knock on the door. Brett and Anwen both jumped at the same time, then looked at each other. Anwen went to the door and opened it. She gasped when she saw who is was.

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