City of Lights!

442 13 1

Monday, August 29.


I'm sitting on the couch in my room and I still think about the scandal that ensued because the bitch of Valery. The very stupid had the nerve to call me slut on Twitter.

I loved how Jared defended me and like my friends did.

Several hours later

I'm currently running with Jared in the hills and exercise helps me clear my mind of the problems with crazy ex-girlfriends.

"I can hear your thoughts from here," Jared tells me as we stop to rest.

"You are also psychic" I say while taking a drink of water and smiles.

"Well, no. But you're thinking about that happened with Valery" he says.

"Yes. Seriously, that girl is crazy. That tweeted to tell me slut is very immature," I say.

"Do not think about that. Now step, so let's keep running" he tells me and I nod.

2 hours later.

Jared and I are in Starbucks and luck that there not are many people. We bought a lemonade and I have my sunglasses and my cap and Jared has his sunglasses. When we reached to the Jared's house, I sit on the bed to watch TV while Jared takes a shower.

I'm watching the program so focused that I did not realize when Jared out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. And I watched as he search the few boxes and drops the towel and I can see his bare butt and another thing, before him know it, I turn around and pretend that I was not seeing him naked. I cry of surprise when suddenly he is above me and starts tickling me.

"We will continue to pretend you were not eating me with you eyes," he says.

"Yes, if I want to look. Thing that I not did. I can do it freely. But I must tell you that my boyfriend is very jealous and is also sexy and very strong. I don't wish that he hit you for being over his girl," I say and I look very serious.

"Well, your boyfriend is very lucky to have you. You're the most sexy and hot little thing I've seen in my life. If neglected, I'll have my chance," he tells me and gives me a kiss on the neck.

"Enough!. I'm dirty and very sweaty. I need a bath," I say and I pouted.

"How about that while you take a bath, I prepare some dinner and we can see whatever that you want," he tells me and I nod. It gives me a last kiss and leaves the room.

When I down the stairs, I'm wearing a sweatshirt of Jared and a pair of stockings and panties and Jared did Risotto with spinach and peas. While we eat, we get to see The Games of Thrones and finished eating when I get to check my phone and see that Jared took me a picture and says:

Mondays nights

"I have a surprise for you tomorrow," he tells me and looked while he stroking my hair.

"What is it?" I tell him.

"Well, you said you wanted to learn to climb and do it if only once. So tomorrow we will go to climb the artificial wall" he tells me and I stare at him.

"You want me to climb a wall, where it may fall me and break something," I say and he smiles.

"That's only in your head. In the artificial wall nothing bad will happen to you. I promise you, trust me. I'll be there, will also be those who work there and Sasha" he tells me and I don't like Sasha.

"Wow!. Sasha will be there. That's amazing," I say sarcastically.

"Let!. Do not be bad. Sasha is just a friend, plus I have only eyes for you. Even if you're afraid to break something. You know that she keeps her distance and is an amazing girl, I admire her" he tells me and I looked him.

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