Camp Mars 2016!

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Margot Robbie, Jared Leto and Shannon Leto dining at Soho House in West Hollywood.

The trio was celebrating the next star role of Margot and will got her own Harley Quinn movie.

Shannon post a picture where we see the actress hiding her face against her neck and the description says:

"Congratulations, MiMi. I can not wait to see you in your next role as a famous trapeze artist and congratulations to Baby Harley for his own movie. I can not wait to see you in your costume"

#HarleyQuinnMovie #CongratulationsMiMi #QueenOfAir

Meanwhile the actress's boyfriend, Jared Leto. Tweeted the following:

"I am very proud of my baby, for his next starring role and his own Harley Quinn film Perhaps Mr. J make an appearance 😉"


Camp Mars

I sit with Jared in a golf cart and we are going around all over the place. I'm wearing a gray top, white jeans and sneakers and my sunglasses.

When we left the cart walked on foot and Jared takes my backpack and you can not avoid taking a photo.

"You look so sexy with backpack. Only a real boyfriend can do that. How about a video for Snapchat" I say and walk betray me.

"You know. I love how my backpack looks at you. It is so sexy," I say and I laugh and turn to look at the camera.

"You know I'd do anything for you," he tells me and posted the video on my Instagram.

"Best Boyfriend Ever"

#RelationshipGoals #MyFendiBackpack

Several hours later

When the ceremony begins, I'm sitting on one of the golf carts with Shayla and I have my sunglasses and so that where I am no shadow. And I have the Jared's phone in my hand. I am removed from my thoughts when Jared answered a particular question.

"Yes, my girlfriend is here and she is going to stay. Ladies and gentlemen and applause for my very sexy girlfriend Margot Robbie aka Harley Quinn" he says and points and everyone starts clapping and greeting and smiled. "Well enjoy."

Several hours later

I am with Shannon and say we're doing a job. We are eating cotton candy. Nobody said it was a difficult job.

"You know. I think it's not fair that Tommy and Jared are doing all that to be hosting and you and I we are doing nothing," I say, trying to sound serious, we looked into his eyes and burst into a fit of laughter.

"God!. For a moment I thought you were talking seriously" he tells me a few tears while being cleaned.

"Lucky I'm not part of the band. Now I'll take a nap at home and then I'll meet you outside," I say and he has a decent face of television.

"You are the perfect excuse to not have to work and you're leaving me. That's treason" he tells me and  I can not help but laugh.

"Come on. Do not be a baby. You can go and get me before the show. I'll send you a message," I say and give him a kiss on the cheek and I stand up. "I should feel offended that use me as an excuse to do nothing"

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