Happy Anniversary!

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Friday, 19 August.

I would now meet with Sophia in a restaurant in Los Angeles, she would spend a weekend in Los Angeles. Let's say she and Shannon had a relationship long ago, and now every time they see each other again, end up in bed. She always say that is the last time.

I'm dressed in a Farfetch gray dress, along with my sneakers and sunglasses and black bag.

Sophia and I are going to lunch together and then we will go shopping. Jared is at the dentist, so it is a girl's day.

"So, how are things going with Jared?" She says.

"Well, everything is perfect. Tomorrow is our one year anniversary" I say. "And yours with Shann"

"That is past. I'm over" she says.

"So you're not going to want to stay with me in the Jared's house" I ask.

"No, we're staying in your apartment," she tells me and looked. "Do not look so surprised, you and Jared will travel tomorrow at night. You don't sleep in your apartment, but you still live there. All your clothes are there, I'll help you pack your suitcase for the trip. I do not want to be near Shannon where some things can happen" she say.

"Okay," I say.

When we finished, I return to the Jared's house and pick up my bag and go with Sophia to my apartment and decided to go shopping and choose a dress for dinner tomorrow and buy a new swimsuits

When she's helping me pack, I receive a message from Jared.

[Jared]: Hey! What time will you come home?

[Margot]: I'm staying in my apartment with Sophia tonight.

[Jared]: I'll pick up at 7:00 pm.

[Margot]: Okay. I'll call you later. I love you.

[Jared]: I love you too. We'll talk later.

"So, as you're doing that Jared not eat anything derived from an animal," she says.

"It's frustrating. He is a vegan trap is a Cheagan. When we go out to eat at a place, I'm the one who normally eat normal things. Shannon eat anything but not meat. But Jared does not eat anything derived from animals. I feel a little strange. Once try to follow his diet and swoon ended. Every time I eat a burger or chicken, I feel like he is judging me and I feel uncomfortable. He has assured me several times that it is my imagination, but I do not like to eat meat in front of him," I say.

"Well, you have one year with him. Surely you already got used" Sophia tells me and we close my suitcase.

"More or less. But I love to eat a hamburger in front of him. I like to tempt him and see if he have self-control," I say.

"What if we buy Sushi" says Sophia and I say yes.

Saturday, August 20.

I breakfasted with Sophia and we are eating bacon, eggs and toast, I see that Sophia is highly concentrated sending messages on her phone. I know that she is sending messages to Shannon.

"Shannon is Okay?," I say.

"Yes, he say 'Hi, Mimi'" she says and then looks at me when she realized that goofed.

"I'm glad that you have willpower," I say.

"You're a damn bitch" she says and laughs.

"I know," I say.

"You chose that you will use for tonight dinner" she says.

"I'm torn between several dresses" I tell him and showed him that I have in mind.

"I like them, but what about this" she tells me and pulls out my Balmain new dress.

"You don't think it's too" I say.

"Sweetie, You're going to celebrate your one year anniversary with a guy that even with an overall looks sexy. This dress is perfect" she tells me and looking heels. "Along with these boots" and teaches me my new pair of Balmain boots.

"Okay. Okay," I say.

When Jared comes to pick me up. I'm ready and my hair is in beach waves.

"Wow," he says when he sees me and gives me a kiss on the lips and then're on our way.

Apparently traditions never change, since he rented all Nobu restaurant to ourselves.

"You still not going to say me where we go for a whole week," I say while we eat.

"It surprised" he tells me and I am very anxious. We took a picture with my IPhone and write:

"One year anniversary dinner. I can not wait for the next year with you"

#HappyOneYearAnniversary #JaredAndMargot

And the public.

When we finished the dinner, we go directly to the airport and apparently will go in a private jet to wherever the hell is he taking me.

"You not go to tell me where we going?," I say and he give me a kiss.

"No, wait and see," he says. "I'll just say that are 15 hours and 40 minutes of flying"

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