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"I hate myself so much,"


You are singlehandedly the most unique creation the hands of the Lord has made. You are art. You are a masterpiece.

You are perfect.

Yes, flaws, you may have. Everyone has them... Me, you, the girl working as an international supermodel, that actor, the kid playing video games all day, the bookworm... We are all covered in flaws.

And that is okay. That is normal.

I am here to remind you that there is nothing wrong with you. You are made by God. You are His child and He has placed you in this world on a mission for the greater good of all or maybe just a small portion of the community. No matter what, though, you're special.

Every being alive (or dead) has qualities that no one else has. We all have distinctive individualities that we should embrace. You are the only you. I am the only me. Nobody in this planet can copy who you are. You are born as an original and you should stay that way. You are blessed with gorgeous features inside and out. Why take them out? Why be insecure?

The flaws we have are proof we are alive... that we have experienced things. It is shows that we have existed and more importantly, lived. Look at you with your scars, bruises, stretch marks, moles, birthmarks, freckles, and et cetera...You were once a blank canvas and now you have created an aesthetic that is your own. These things are evidence that you've grown. You've been through a lot. You are beautiful with all these emotional baggage and physical blemishes.

Embrace the whole you. Be proud of who you are. Beauty has no trademark. It doesn't mean you have to be skinny or curvaceous, have clear skin and flushed cheeks...Beauty has no definite meaning. It is in the eye of the beholder. It is within one's perspective. It is similar to art. You are the one processing all of these and projecting things. Everything is a state of mind. You hold the control of your life with the help of God's everlasting power and grace.

Love yourself and see your worth. After that you can spread it amongst others. Produce your happiness.

You are perfect.

You are singlehandedly the most unique creation the hands of the Lord has made. You are art. You are a masterpiece.


"Don't be hard on yourself."

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