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"You are ugly."

Who knew that a three word sentence could hurt so much?

No, I do not feel humiliation creeping up to my cheeks, painting them red. Nor do I feel anger filling up my cracked heart or to my unclenched hands. The thing I feel now? It's called hurt and pain, dear.


What a horrible name to be labeled as.

It is an adjective to describe some kind of... forgive me for the word, scum or some unattractive being.

They say that words can never hurt someone but a fallacy is what that is. Words cut deeper than a knife especially with added tone and emphasis and a dash of sneer...

Words hurt as much as a punch in the gut. Emotional pain is way worse than a physical one. They root themselves in your mind, repeating itself until you get sick of it, under it's mercy. They come in your heart with knives, preparing to scar your heart and making you convinced that you are truly worthless. Slowly, you become what the people tell you.

You transform into their words and accusation. You made their dream a reality, a sick twisted one, I might add.

But let's stir it back to the word, ugly. Who gave you a right to point at me and call me such a terrible thing? Am I not someone with emotions? Am I not human? I feel as you do.

No one is ugly. Let me tell you that. Or nobody deserves to be called that in public or in private. Beauty runs deeper than muscles and makeups. It is a perspective kind of thing. It is a secret thing, a mystery because no one is ever sure what beauty is.

Another thing, not only it extends on the outside, but beauty lies within the goodness in the soul of a person.

So do not even try to wound me with your shameless name calling and petty remarks.

"And you are not?"

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