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To my dearest and lovely readers,

    It has been months since I have been actively using Wattpad and updating my stories- for that, I extremely am sorry... But most importantly I apologise for leaving this book hanging. All of my works are close to my heart but this one is more significant in a way because I wrote the chapters with more vulnerability and rawness than I've ever before in my previous projects.

     As stated in the information thingies, this falls under the genre "Non-Fiction". It is there for a reason. These prompts, dialogues, emotions, thoughts, were conjured up and experience by me. Some may be from secondhand experience from films, friends, and common stereotypes but most are from me. The important thing is that I felt it. I got what they were thinking and going through so that I could convey a heartfelt and honest message.

     Now, when I first wrote this book, I was overflowing with feelings that were buried inside and thoughts kept from the world. Even now, that is the case, but let's ignore that. I was heartbroken and confused at that time. I needed understanding and reassurance more than ever. Being depressed and lonely as well as anxious gave me a hard time doing that and because someone I valued a lot left me, despite of wanting/needing someone... It made me hesitant to pour myself out to another person who will probably leave and/or reject me as the last one did... I didn't want the cycle to repeat once again. So, I did what I knew best- write.

     I wrote my way out.

     The idea of writing suppressed emotions and thoughts was already in the back of mind. There are plenty of people who don't get to say what they want or what they need to for they are afraid or think they aren't worth something. (This is where I got the title from... Where people assume it is this when it actually is that. A misconception others have perceived through guarded and calculated execution of actions & words. A mask, per se, to shield what the truth is whether to protect, to shy away, to hide, or et cetera.) It made want to be a voice of the voiceless because these people deserve to know there is someone who gets what they are coming from and relate to them. Sure, I may not grasp what they've been through in an in depth way,  but I do respect and understand their feelings. And these feelings of theirs? They are valid. It has been a plan of mine for a long time but never got the right approach or opportunity. When the unfortunate event in my life happened, it gave me passion and drive to let it out through words, in the form that has captured my interest already.

     It basically became therapeutic for me. Writing "Misconceptions" became therapy to my shattered soul. It also somewhat turned into a little diary of mine. But, of course, the main point of the book was to the people, for the people so I tried writing it an ominous point of view and to be neutral as I possibly can be. (Even though I kind of |in|directly dedicated and created a book to a person who meant a lot to me but broke me apart.)

     The backstory of "Misconceptions" hasn't really been explained to anyone but I felt you guys should know it.

     I thank everyone who has been with me every step of the way through this half-cooked book. My warmest hugs and gratitude for reading my work and sending notes of "I feel you!", "I love your story.", "This really gets me." & such likes. And if you didn't send me any notes at all, it's okay, it makes me happy that you even choose to spend your time with my book. I love you all. And I must say it again that I am sorry for not focusing much on this. Life has been out of control as always. Crazy things have happened, adulting becoming a web of confusion, Senior year ending, emotions and thoughts still going haywire, lots of realizations.... Don't worry, I will be back. I will continue to write this. I am attached and grateful for this book. It helped me as it did to you. You all deserve more love and more of this. It was never my intention to leave it. I have issues yet to tackle and pent up things ready to be released.

     For my other works, I have plans for them too. I never got around announcing them or publishing parts but I intend to finish the ones I still have passion for and erase the others (maybe revamping or completing removing them).

     I'm constantly thinking of this book and all of you, wonderful people!!!!!! I miss writing!!!! I miss you all so much!!!

     Thank you for being you and for being a person that is ever so beautiful, inside and out. Also, thanks for being patient with me and for supporting this book. I said this multiple times but- I am sorry for my lack of publishing new chapters and for checking up on you.

     Remember: You are loved and cared for. Sometimes you feel worthless, invaluable, and many negatives bubbling inside of you. It's okay to feel like that. It is okay to cry and scream but after that- pick yourself back up. Wipe those tears and breathe. Refresh yourself... Having emotions and thoughts is scary but its human nature. It is yours. You are valid to have them- to be scared, to be happy, to be ecstatic, to be disappointed, to be proud. It's overwhelming, yes. The complexity and paradox of life is astonishing and beautiful. It is just like you. Beautiful and radiant. Embrace the person that you are. It may take a while to reach that destination but you will get there. Keep slaying and stay strong.

     'Til next time, happy trails!




-justthugs (Mika) x

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