{ xxiii }

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"Listen! It's that song!"

Something can hold a million of memories. I am aware the phrase originally states 'a thousand' but thousands is never enough! Even a million is never enough, to be clear with you all.

I wholeheartedly agree with that statement. A thing can have so much history behind it that sometimes even a valueless thing can be priceless because of what it went through or symbolises. And now to me 'that thing' is a song.

This used to be my favourite song for it what bonded me and this person together. Key word being: used.

I'm not entirely happy that you pointed out that the song is playing but, I am too not entirely sad.

The song currently playing used to be so special to me because I liked it and my once fidus achates also liked it . It became our song. We would sing it all the time. I was full of happiness because finally someone liked the same music as I do. And everyday, it would be our thing to sing this song like a prayer. The song became more than something I liked, it played a vital role to our friendship and it became a treasured one. Now, me and my friend are not in good terms... This suffered the consequences. The song is ruined. I got really attached to my friend and the song... I never thought of the outcomes and anything else for the matter.

The song is still a good one but it is tainted with memories that it becomes unbearable to me because the past floods back to me and it drags me down until I can not breathe anymore.

Does he, up until to this day, get affected to this song like me?  Does the memories haunt him? Does my friend even remember me? How precious our friendship was? I wonder where my friend is. We were special and I valued us a lot. But maybe I put too much faith in one person and song.

Remember: Don't trust a perfect person and don't trust a song that's flawless.

"Oh, this is very old."

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