Those eyes.

But he wasn't alone he was with someone. And that someone was a woman, and a pretty one i tell you that.

I felt slightly jealous while there was nothing to be jealous about. Of course i got his attention while he got mine.

'Alex make coffee for table four and don't screw it up, don't make me regret hiring you' she hissed while she put on a fake smile and turned to mister pretty eyes with the woman.

'Mister Ashforth great seeing you again how can i help you?' she asked sweetly.

'You can't but she can' he said pointing at me.

Well crap i'm screwed.

'I don't know if that is such a good idea mister Ashforth i mean this is her first day' she tried to go against him and well i didn't like it.

Everyone can learn right?

'Oh well maybe we can go to that other coffee corner in town' he asked the women.

'That is possible as well mister Ashforth' she said. Why is she calling him like that? What is the point of calling your boyfriend or friend mister Ashforth.

'Fine Alex come here' she ordered me alsmost snapped me.

'Make mister Ashforth a coffee please and don't screw up' she whispered the last part of that sentence. I felt nervous it's obvious he is a powerfull man. And she is paying the bills with his visits.

I didn't want to screw up.

'How can i help you'

'So you're name is Alex' he said and was sliglty grinning at me. I had to redeem myself from blushing.

'May i get your order' i asked once again.

'Fine, for me one black coffee large and for Ann one small capuchino' he asked me.

'Alright then one moment please'

His coffee was done within the minute but that capuchino damn. It didn't go as smooth as possible but i got it managed.

I got the coffee to her, 'sorry for the delay' i apologized. 'No problem dear it's alright' she smiled sweetly at me.

'That is 5 dollars please' i said he got money from his pocket and gave me a 50 dollar bill. 'Keep the change as a tip' he said and winked at me. This is so weard and i don't know how to react.

'Why don't you give me a call' he asked me and gave me his business card. But before i could even say no he was already gone on his way to whatever his planning is. But my heart couldn't stop beating so loud for mister pretty eyes.

'How did your first day go?' Tessa backfired me when i walked true the door completely exhausted. 'Tess let her come home for a second alright' Marcel yelled at his girlfriend. I was thankfull for him for keeping Tessa in a check for a moment.

I walked to the livingroom and sat on the couch. It was so soft i could sleep then and there.

'So' Tessa asked she was so excited.

'It was alright' i told her.

'That's it?'

'Yeah i guess'

'Wasn't Ivy amazing?'

'Uhm no not really she was very rude, mean and annoying i'm glad i'm back home but the work went fine thank you'

'Oh yes she has her moments but that only lasted for a minute right?'

'No not really she was like that all day so i'm glad if i find something else' i told her. She nodded obvious kind of blown away but i didn't want to lie anymore to her.

'Dinner is ready' Marcel told us and we went to eat.

'Those ramen are so delicious thank you for cooking Marcel' he nodded.

'I think it's a good idea if i go look for some education programs. They do have that here right?'

'Yes of course but i have to talk to you first i did something today and i know you are going to be mad but it had to be done' she said to me.

'You called them didn't you?' i asked her knowing she ment my parents.

She nodded.

'Tessa how could you do that?'

'You don't want to know what they said? Or how they feel about you getting out of prison?'

'I don't want to know because it can't be good alright'

'But it is good, they want to see you again'

'That doesn't change the fact Tessa, they abandoned me when i needed them the most. They never came Tessa and i blame them for a lot of things. Of course it was me too i admit that but they should have been there. And they weren't for a lot of things' i told her.

I tried to be calm i really tried but i couldn't'

'Gosh i can't believe it' i snapped almost yelled at her.

'Well for what it's worth, they are willing to give me the key if i visit them next saturday'

'I have to come aren't i, or they won't give up the key with my stuff in it'.

'I'm sorry but i have to think this true'

'Why, you don't have to do anything just sit there for what 30 minutes'

'30 minutes too long Tessa let me think it true' i said and walked to my room to cry my eyeballs out.

After what i thought was hours but were actually just a few minutes i came out of my room.

'15 minutes and not one minute longer' i told her. She nodded kind of relieved. 'Great now i don't have to cancel your mom cause she would have cursed me' she laughed and kissed my cheek.

'You told us about your degree tell us what do you want to be?'

'I don't know, being a doctor kind of attracts me or being around children so be a teacher or something'

'It sounds good maybe we can go over some universities looking for the best fitting you'

'Sounds good thanks' i laughed.

'I think a doctor suits you, i'm just a nurse but you can make it that far you know what it does to your body if you use the wrong things. You could teach about that you know'

I nodded, 'you are right and we have time right?'

'yes of course you should take your time and when you have picked you can do great things you have to study and learn. It isn't going to be easy for you and we both know that. But i'm proud anyway'

'THanks, but i think i i chose already. I know i have much healing to do but i think i want to be a child doctor. Healing children and teenagers'

'That is great and tomorrow we will go see wich univirsity gives those classes'

'Thank you guys' i told them before i turned and walked to my room to go to sleep after this buzy day with my friends and mister pretty eyes.

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