Chapter One

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Gerard P.O.V

His head rested on my stomach, his skin felt warm to me now. My fingers locked around locks of his brown hair, his arm wrapped tightly around my torso. I heard his stomach growl, he sat up immediately. He must have smelt somebody nearby; I could. I wasn't as strong as him, but I knew that I couldn't let him run rampant through the little part of the forest. I didn't want to leave the cabin, I knew that he didn't either. It meant that he learned to adjust in a safer, easier environment.

"It's okay Frankie," I said, pulling him back down to rest on my legs. A growl emanated from inside his body, his skin cold and clammy. I stroked his forehead, trying my best to comfort him as best as I could, "we'll sneak into the hospital again. It's the freshest that we can get without killing anybody." I added, his fingers dug into my leg. I knew that it was hard for him, god knew that I did. But he had me to make sure that he was okay, to keep him away from any trouble that he could imagine getting into. Me- I had nobody. Other than Mikey (who was struggling just as much as I) and Elena, who had her other children to care for. Mikey and I were her youngest, but the others were still getting into trouble. Giving themselves away, getting people killed.

"My stomach hurts Gerard, please. Just once. I'll never do it again after this, I promise." He said through his teeth, his eyes crinkled as he held them tightly shut. I shook my head, even though he couldn't see me. "Please." He begged, digging his fingers further into my legs.

"Frankie, if I said yes, you'd find a way to get a yes from me every time that you asked. So the answer is no. I'm doing it for your safety." I said, moving his fringe out of his face again. He had opened his eyes, and was staring up at me with a miserable look on his face.
"I love you." I joked, watching the frown grudgingly turn into a smile. He shook his head, burying his face into the covers.

"If you loved me you'd let me eat." He whined into the covers, his voice smothered by its warm embrace.

"Maybe you should go to sleep for a while, I'll wake you up when it gets dark." I patted his shoulder, thumb running across his skin. He shuddered, shaking his head again.

"Maybe I should eat." He looked up quickly, flashing his fangs at me. I rolled my eyes, pushing his head back down. I hated seeing him like this, but he had to understand that he wasn't allowed to just go and kill people. People would know if somebody went missing, things were different to when I was changed. Everything was different.

"Nice try baby, nice try." I chuckled, as he growled, crawling up to lie on top of my torso, tucking his arms underneath his body. There was nothing to hear anymore, no heartbeat. Nothing but emptiness, and other people's blood.

"I hate you." He smiled, I stroked his head again.

"Same you you." I said sarcastically, happy that he was calming down a little. I could hold him and keep him quiet until it went dark. With it being summer, that would be later than he thought. Which meant more hugs from me, whilst I watched out of the window as people came and went. Hikers, people from other cabins. Then there was the empty one, it's owners hadn't been here for years. They were elderly, so I wasn't surprised. The woods were no place for the elderly, especially with Frankie running around. He'd probably eat them.

As darkness fell, Frankie began to stir. His stomach growled again, he looked up at me. I nodded with a sigh, watching I'm throw himself off the bed and to the closet to dig out some clothes. I smiled, taking a pair of my jeans from off the floor.
He was ready within seconds, abusing his newly-developed speed. He already had his coat on before I had pulled my shirt over my head.

"Gee come on I'm starving." He said, jumping up and down like an eager child. I raised an eyebrow, pulling on my boots slowly to make him mad. He folded his arms stubbornly, eyes watching me with intent.

He linked my arm as we walked though the forest, I held it tightly. Mostly so that he could run away from me and devour an entire city before I found him. The hospital would be down a gallon of blood before the night went out; he would go crazy in there. The smell through the plastic bags filled with the red liquid seemed to heighten and awake all of his primitive senses, I usually had to drag him away after he had stuffed himself. Leaving a sea of leftover blood and plastic bags in our wake.

The forest was eerily quiet, the nightlife had seemed to vanish. Frank hadn't tried to eat them yet, so they had no reason to be hiding, I couldn't help feeling that something was wrong- even though everything in my life was perfect. I had the love of my life, a beautiful cabin, and I had never been able to control my thirst so well. It must've been because of Frank, in helping him I had helped myself.
We stopped at the edge of the forest, after about half an hour of walking. As mortals, it would've taken us much longer. Frank took a deep breath in, his eyes flickering animalistically. He breathed out, his fangs showing.

He pulled up his hood to hide his face.
Song Of The Chapter- Packed Powder by Blind Pilot

First chapter of an almost new story. I have exciting things planned for this story, and a very interesting plot. It will end this trilogy very very well ;)

Don't forget to comment and vote it helps me out.

Urges (Sequel To Vampires Will Never Hurt You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora