"Maybe one day you'll be able to take it from me." Charlotte says. I shrug.

"I hope so, but I doubt it's coming anytime soon." She rubs my shoulder.

"You never know." Trinity comes over to console Sasha.

"Congrats Charlotte." She says with slight disdain.


"Maybe we can all go out for drinks or something." Dana says to Charlotte and myself.

"Rain check?" I say. "Got the kids this weekend."

"Sounds good." Charlotte says and Dana nods in agreement and the two of the walk away.

"What's up with you and Charlotte?" Trinity asks.

"We're frands." She looks at me oddly. "We're not exactly friends yet. We're frands."

"I feel kind of weird about that." I start to back away. "They're just... I don't know about them."

"I don't see the big deal Trin..."

"I'm just looking out for you that's all Malaika."

"I don't need you too. You told me to make friends, so I am." I run into Joe.

"Hey babe. You alright?" I forcefully press my lips to his.

"Let's go."


Joe and I walk down the hall, hand in hand.

"Where have you two been for the last..." Josh grabs his wife's watch. "2 hours?"

"Yeah. You missed my match." Dean says. "But I won so..."

"We were busy." Joe says.

"Busy?" Jon asks.

"Yes." I say. "I was fixing his gear." Takecia snickers.

"Oh. That's you code word now?" Jon says. "Ya nasties."

"Shut up Twin." I say. "Sorry we missed your match Dean."

"No I get it." Dean says. "You guys have had a rough patch. The fact that you guys are doing it with no problem is good."

"How are the girls?" Joe asks.

"Good." Dean answers. "Anjali is fed, changed and ready to watch her daddy kick some butt."

"And Joelle?"

"Fast asleep."

"Ready to go kick some ass?" I ask my husband.

"After that pick me up? Of course."


We go to the ring and Lana introduces her husband, WWE United States Champion Rusev. Roman Reigns and Indira are out next. Rusev attacks before the bell and they end up brawling out to the floor. Rusev destroys Reigns, using the steel steps and the barrier, and talks trash about how he treated Lana. Reigns fights back and hits a Superman punch. They continue unloading on each other as officials try to break it up. A steel chair comes into play and Reigns wails on Rusev with it before going back to right hands. Reigns mounts Rusev on the floor and unloads with rights as referees are still trying to separate them. The referees talk to Indira, asking her to calm down her husband and she raises her hands in response. Reigns comes back and mounts Rusev with headbutts.

Reigns comes back and beats on Rusev some more. Officials and trainers come to check on Rusev as Reigns and Indira are walked to the back by referees. Fans chant for Heath Slater. Rusev is tended to as Lana looks on concerned. JoJo announces that the ringside doctor has informed her that Rusev cannot compete. Rusev starts heading to the back but Indira pokes her head out to the crowd and smirks, followed by Reigns coming back out and spears him at ringside. We get replays and come back to Rusev down in pain. Reigns leaves again but stops to look back at the ring.

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