Chapter 2

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Tuesday June 28th


This is the first time I've stepped foot in the house since Joe told me he cheated on me. It feels eerie, but it's something I have to do.

I spoke to my family and Joe's parents this morning and Sika gave me an earful. I feel bad for their end and my family's. Everything we did for the wedding... all the money, the time, the guests... all for nothing. Thinking about all that makes me reconsider the divorce...

I put the key in the door and open it. I walk further in the house and see Joe sitting on the couch with Anjali and Boo comes running over to me.

"Hi Boo. I missed you baby." I walk over to the couch and take my daughter and kiss her on the head. "I'm going to Hawaii. And I'm taking the girls with me. So tell your hoe that I'm picking Joelle up tomorrow at 2 o'clock in the morning and I'm bringing her back on Saturday. When I pull up to the house, Joelle should be standing outside ready to go." I give Anji back to him. "I've gotta go pack." I turn to go upstairs. "Oh one more thing, when I come back, you better be gone. I don't give a shit where you go, but you sure as hell aren't staying here." I hear him sigh and I continue to walk to the steps to get ready for Hawaii.

After I finished packing for Anjali, I start to pack for myself when my phone rings.


"We're going to Hawaii??" Joelle squeals on the other end. I laugh.

"Yes we are sweetie. You, me and your sister. A girls only vacation."

"I'm so excited! I've never been to Hawaii! I have to go pack! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"I'll see you tomorrow princess." She hangs up the phone. After I finish packing my things, I make sure I have everything I need. This should be really fun. I'm not taking the portable crib; Anji will just sleep in between Joelle and myself. I have the stroller all set and that's the only big thing to carry. I go back downstairs and grab my clothes that need to be washed and put them in the washer.

"We're gonna have to talk about this eventually Malaika." Joe says from the doorway.

"What is there to talk about? You cheated, I want a divorce. End of discussion." I turn the washing machine on and leave the room.

"Don't you want to know how it happened?"

"You know what I want? I want you out of my house."

"Indie—" I shoot around.

"No. No you have no right to call me that anymore." I turn back around. "The sooner you get your shit out, the happier I'll be." I go to the basement and my phone rings. "Hey Trin."

"What's up girlie?"

"Nothing much. I just got home. Gotta pack for Hawaii."

"How's the dickhead?"


"I'm sorry I couldn't be there when it happened."

"It's ok. I was too drunk anyway." She chuckles.

"I heard. Does everyone know?"

"Yes I spoke to everyone this morning. Sika was fuming, and my family wants to kill him."

"Do they know you want a divorce?" I sigh.

"They do."


"And Sika is upset that I chose something so drastic, but he understands."

"Do you want to get a divorce?"

All That Matters Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora